
Posted on 2005-07-27 22:50 ChinaBUG[iPodMP.com] 阅读(277) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 绘画教程
So, you want to start learning pixel art, eh?

Well, you only need a few things to get started, the first is a computer, which i will presume you have as you are able to read this. The second is patience, and you will need bucket loads if you want to delve deeper into pixel art. The third is a spark of imagination. You may have seen some pixel art already, and if you have you may have noticed that its the ones that are about the more unusual subjects than just a building, or a person that are better. At the end of this tutorial, i will list a couple of sites that you may find usefull or interesting. Now, I've rambled on for long enough, lets get started!

Open up MS paint or the mac equivelent (its the easiest to start of in, and is a program we all have) and zoom in to X8

First, we are going to practise a few basic lines that are needed for pixel art.

Here are some examples of lines.

zoomed in version

normal version

The Green lines are correct.
The orange lines are not correct, but they can be used under some circumstances.
The red lines are incorrect.

The golden rule of pixel art is 2 across one down. This is the perfect isometric line.
Obviously, on top of these lines, vertical and horisontal lines are acceptable.

Have a go at drawing some pixel lines.

ok, those are the basics of lines, now we can crack on with our first cube!

1. Go to "image" and uncheck "Draw opaque". Always do this when working with pixel art. It basicly makes sure that when you cut and paste, only the image gets cut, not the white around it.

2. Draw a 2 across one down line in the center of your canvas. Make it a nice size, not too long, not too short. About 50 pixels across is a good size.

3. Now make a selection box around that line, and copy it. Paste it, and then go to "image" ---> "flip/rotate" and flip it verticly.
Now place it next to the first line.

You should have something like this:

4. ok, now select the whole thing, and copy it, paste it, and go to "image" ---> "flip/rotate" and flip it verticaly. Now place it above the other two lines.

Now, you should have something like this:

ok, if you've got this far, great! continue on. If not, dont be disheartened, just revise the first few steps., because if you have done the first few steps wrong, then this will not work, and it could end up looking like a pear. seriously.

next, we are going to make this square 3D.

1. Select the whole square, and copy and paste it above it, so that the whole thing is just above the first square, so that it looks sorta like a number eight.
I'll show you what i have so far:

2. ok, now draw a vertical line from the top left corner to the bottom left corner. Now do the same from the top right corner to the bottom right corner. Now from the bottom corner of the top square to the bottom corner of the bottom square. Our cube is finally taking shape!

3. Now erase the lines that you wouldn't normally see if you looked at a cube (the ones going behind it)

You should now have something like this.

If not, revise the previous steps.

Ok, now you have a basic cube! but dont you want to know how to colour it, and learn about lighting? sure you do!

For this part, we will presume that the light always comes from the top left. This is what most pixel artists presume when doing a piece of work. We will represent the light sorce with a nice, big, smiling sun Very Happy
Please note that this sun is for teaching purposes only, and you dont have to put it in your drawings unless it helps you, or if you enjoy it. Razz

Here is a diagram.

Now, obviously the brightest side of the cube is going to be the closest to the sun, and the darkest is going to be the furthest away. Heres another diagram.

This is how you should do your lighting scheme
B=Brightest colour
M=Medium colour
D=Dark colour

For this tut, use the same colour, and just use different shades. I am going to use orange, and i am going to over exagerate the difference, so it is easier to notice. Try to make your changes a little less subtle.

In your pixel drawings, try not to use too many OTT (over the top) colours as this just becomes ugly.

Ok, now select your colour, and fill the "Medium colour" side. Now double click on the colour you just used, and click on "Define custom colours" Now darken the colour with the slider on the right.

Fill the "Dark colour side". Now lighten the colour so it is lighter than the other two, and fill the "bright colour" side.

You should have something like this:

If yours didn't turn out like this, just try again! If you got something like this, congratulations! You have your first, fully coloured pixel art cube Smile


Congratulations on getting this far! using everything you have learnt, and more, we are going to make a basic pixel house!

For the next bit, im afraid im going to have to kill the smiling sun (im sorry:() as he is just getting in the way, and distracting you.

*stabs sun*

thats the end of that Smile

Ok, now we can get on with the tut. First of, open your cube picture if it is not. open, and erase the top bit, so its like a cube missing one side.
Heres an example

ok, now we can add a roof. It scares me to say we are going to have to use an iregular line for this part. Draw a 1 up 1 across line from the top left corner and the top right corner untill the two meet. Erase any extra lines after the point they meet. Now, from the top-middle corner, draw a line to where they meet. We now have a basic, uncoloured roof.

Now colour the side closest to the sun with a light shade of a colour and the further away side with a medium shade of that colour. again, make the difference more subtle than in my example.

and there ya have it, the outline of a house. I could go on and tell you how to draw windows and doors and grass and TV arials and fridges, but then you wouldn't learn anything. So, from here on its up to you.

Good luck!

Here is my example of what you can do (this was my first piece of pixel art)

If you have any comments, need help or just wanna chat, either email me at virtualtbag@gmail.com or MSN me at virtualtbag@hotmail.com

Here are some usefull websites:


# re: 开始学习象素画艺术  回复  更多评论   

2006-12-08 15:44 by mouse房
why don't you write chinese?
i'm very tired:(

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