Posted on 2005-07-17 12:22
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Painting hair in Photoshop
By sirocco || Gallery Contact
How I paint hair
I paint hair in Photoshop CS using a tablet, but the steps must be almost the same in any painting program you use.
I will show you here, how I painted the hair in my last post. For the needs of this tutorial I collected only the model and I placed behind her a layer filled with green colour, so you'll be able to see clear the lines/hair I painted. I use to paint the clothes first so I can figure out easily the style of hair that fits better.
Hope my english are not that bad and you'll enjoy it :-)
Let's Start!
This is the 'boring' part ;-)
Step Two
Easy so far, right?
Step Three
The fun begins :-)
Step Four
Please, remember to save often your work!
Step Five and Final Touches
There are several very good hair tutorials here in Renderosity, I suggest you to read and try them. Artists develop a style or techniques that work best for them, so you can 'pick' the elements that you think they work for you and develop through them your own style :-)
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Hugs, Rania