
Posted on 2005-07-17 12:29 ChinaBUG[iPodMP.com] 阅读(95) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: PS&IM
Painting a simple Braid
By antje || Store  Gallery  Contact

Let's start :o)

First : Create a new layer :o)

Paint 3 vertical lines in a row, copy and paste them underneath eachother. Repeat for the lenght of
your braid.

Connect the lines as shown in the image.

This will be your guideline for painting your braid :o)

Paint the base

Create a new layer

Select the brush you usually paint your hair base with. For this image I'm using a size 45 soft airbrush.
Paint your base.

Create a new layer
Start painting your hair. I'm using a size 3 brush. Dark colors first, lightest color last :o) Follow the braid's guideline when painting your strands of hair.

Clean up :o)

clean up :

Select a soft eraser brush. Slightly delete the edges of your painted hair strands.
Do the same on your "hair base" layer.
Delete the bottom layer (the braid guideline). Now you can fix transparent spaces on your base layer by
either smudging or painting over your transparent places :o)

Merge your painted strands and the hair base layers.

Now use your dodge and burn brushes to add highlights and depht to your braid :o)

If you have any questions, just contact me :o)
Have fun!


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