
Posted on 2005-07-27 22:54 ChinaBUG[] 阅读(99) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: PS&IM
  • Title: MicroButtons
  • Author: Koroshi
  • Posted: July 26, 2005 At 11:40.48 pm
  • Description: Make a nifty microbutton set for your website.

Pixelayer://Nifty MicroButtons

In this tutorial you'll learn how to make a nifty micro button menu. If you're looking for appealing navigation but don't have alot of space for it, these are perfect for you.

Create your document, the background should be white. Now create a new layer. Then select the rectangular marquee tool and create a small rectangle.

Fill this box with white (to reset your colors palatte press d, then to set your foreground to white press x). Right click your new layer and then go to Blending Options, add these settings.

If you don't know how to change the gradient colors double click the gradient, then double click the tick at either side to change the color.

To copy this layer extra boxes to put your links in, press ctrl+j. After adding some text here's my micro navigation menu.

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