
Posted on 2005-07-27 23:09 ChinaBUG[] 阅读(168) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: PS&IM
  • Title: Soft Cartoonish Faces
  • Author: Koroshi
  • Posted: February 12, 2005 At 12:22.00 pm
  • Description: Learn how to create all types of soft cartoonish faces.

Pixelayer://Soft Cartoonish Faces

In this tutorial I'll show you how to make large cartoonish emoticons. It's fairly simple and every one you make will look different. I would really like to see what you came out with, email me what you made at koroshi @

Create a new document with a white background, now create a new layer by pressing ctrl+shift+n. Select the elliptical marquee tool and create a nicely sized cricle. Now press alt+backspace to fill this circle with whatever color your foreground is (The color doesn't matter because we'll be changing it later on). Right click your newly formed layer and go to blending options. Add these settings

If you don't know how to change the contor, click the downwards arrow and select the one that looks like the contour in the picture.

Now you should have something like this.

Okay now we're gonna add the eyes. Using the elliptical marquee tool, make a select inside your circle where you want your eyes to be, then press backspace, do this again. Try to make one eye bigger than the other, to give it that cartoonish feel. You should now have something like this

To add eyes, make a small selection inside the hole and press alt+backspace. Do this in both eye sockets

Now make a selection in the bottom part and press backspace, this creates the mouth.

If you want to add ears, make a selection at the top part where you want them and press alt+backspace to fill them. Here's some faces I've made with this technique.

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