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   终于下定决心交85美金去参加在FedEx Institude of Technology举行的eLearning Solutions in Industry的会议。今天上午好不容易给Miss Harris请了假,准备付费的时候,突然发现涨到100美金了。立刻晕到!在美国怎么什么东西都贵啊!?
后来想了想,还是给负责老师Dr. Martindale 打个确认电话。呵呵,这个电话打的好。Dr. Martindale说,只要我报名就行了,不用交钱。哈哈,高兴死了!

eLearning Solutions in Industry
2005-11-18 ---2005-11-19
"You can never solve a problem with the same kind of thinking
that created the problem in the first place.”
– Albert Einstein–

SRIC-BI and the Workforce ADL Co-Lab would like to offer you an unique opportunity to see eLearning in action. The special focus of this year's events has been placed on the implementation of eLearning systems in industry.

We invite you to explore the latest thinking in eLearning development and best practice across a range of industries, useful to anyone interested in improving learning effectiveness and business performance of their organizations. Focused themes that are relevant to these community members will be addressed by industry participants, technology providers, and eLearning developers from around the country.

Why You Should Attend
Benefits to those participating include
  • Focused exposure to eLearning themes relevant to industry
  • Increased Awareness to Effective Practices in eLearning
  • Opportunity to network and build relationships within the community
  • Introduction to advanced topics in eLearning that are on the horizon
  • Receive Advice from Leading Practitioners and Experts in the eLearning Field

    Themes to be Addressed
  • Current State of eLearning in Industry
  • Specific Methods and Technologies for Implementation of eLearning
  • Need for eLearning in the Workplace of the Future
  • Future Trends in eLearning

    Program Information
    The workshop will be broken down into three, half-day sessions. The descriptions of the sessions are as follows.

    Session 1: On the Path of eLearning
    In this opening session, presenters and panelists will introduce the topic of eLearning in industry, as well as discuss general trends that can be found within eLearning presently. Panelists will address specific issues and developments they see emerging in eLearning and having an important impact on business performance in a growing number of organizations. Speakers will draw on experiences they and their organizations have had with emerging technology to enable better and more effective eLearning.

    Session 2: Trials and Overcoming Tribulations
    Speakers and panelists will showcase some of the effective technologies and methods that they have used in their respective organizations. A variety of topics will covered in this session; implementing a cross-border, or even global, learning and training program that meet localization needs, to creating and running a high quality program for healthcare needs. Participants have the opportunity to see how other businesses are attacking some of the problematic areas in eLearning.

    Session 3: A Bridge to the Future
    The third and final session of the workshop focuses on the future of eLearning in Industry. This session is designed to shed light on some of the uncertainties of the future in regards to eLearning by presenting future trends and an analysis to how eLearning will shape the future of working and learning. Another goal of this session is lay out some of the benefits that eLearning has to offer companies in the future and how it can make members of industry more efficient and effective in how they run their organizations.

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    posted on 2005-11-09 05:35 IDTyao的企业电子培训 阅读(349) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Instructional Deign& Technology




    * Instructional Design & Technology

    * e-Learning in Industry

    * Knowledge Management



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