- knowledge building “over time” (through versions and groups);
- progressive problem-solving (particularly open-ended problems, e.g. Brereton et al, 2003) and even problem redefinition (Scardamalia et al., 1994). For example, Wikis could work well for COP (communities of practice) whose goal is to develop solutions to common problems over time in order to improve practice (Godwin-Jones, 2003);
- explaining increasingly diverse and contrary ideas, as well as examining the relatedness of ideas from diverse contexts (Scardamalia et al, 1994);
- combining, synthesizing and evaluating definitions and terminology across disciplines (Fountain, 2005c; Scardamalia et al, 1994; Brereton et al., 2003);
- questioning underlying causes and principles [2];
- critically reading, and responding in a constructive and public way, to others’ work [3];
- learning how to add both nuance and complexity to concepts in a given field, through systematic engagement and analysis with work produced by more advanced students, specialists and experts (Fountain, 2005c; Brereton et al., 2003); and
- learning to observe deeply, stereotype less, and avoid premature judgment (Brereton et al., 2003).
- Volume:
- how many pages were created?
- how many edits were made?
- how was the creation of pages and edits distributed throughout the semester (number of new pages and edits created per week)?
- Page Activity:
- which pages were edited the most?
- which pages were edited the least?
- what was the average number of times a page was edited?
- Collaboration Index:
- what was the average number of users that edited a page?
- which pages were edited by the most/least number of users?
- Participation Index:
- how many edits and new pages are attributable to n segment of the class?
- Additional questions (Likert-scale questions):
- I have used wikis before.
- I feel I was an active contributor to the wiki.
- I feel that all members of the class contributed to the wiki proportionately.
- what pages or sections of the wiki did you find most valuable? why?
- what pages or sections of the wiki did you find least valuable? why?
- what obstacles did you encounter during your participation in this wiki? were those obstacles overcome?
- do you feel the wiki contributed to the learning experience? how so?
Then best way for teachers to use wiki are:
- building up knowldeg for students "over time";
- invite experts and parents to slove problems progressivly;
- synthesizing and evaluating individual students' work;
- asking more questions on realted topics;
- critically reading and making comments;
- organizing students to learn from each other.
The way to evaluate:
- how many edits were made?
- how was the creation of pages and edits distributed throughout the semester
- how are the questions be sloved?
- how much are students learn from this website?
posted on 2006-03-07 08:18
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