To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English-- Part I
By Huang Yao
Studying and living in the United States, I have to use English everyday. Since I use the language frequently, learning English has become part of my life. I cannot say I’m excellent at English; at least I can use it well. It helps me to express my idea to my fellow school mates, communicate with my professors and entertain myself in the English-speaking world. Sometimes the native speakers compliment my English: “Your English is very good.” But I know there is still a long way to go. I am very much grateful to my English teachers, especially Mr. Fan, to guide me the right way to learn the language.
I wrote this article because I know someday when you have the chance to join the international conferences; English will help you to better communicate. Your fluent English will show you off. You will find a better job and have a better life. In this article I summarized how I learn English in the past 13 years as an English learner.
I’m not an English Scholar, so I will not tell you how to learn English from the stance of an English teacher. I will not ask you to rote remember vocabulary; I will not urge you to get a high score in some English test; I will not ask you to bore yourself to death in a wrong way to learn the language. However, I can tell you how to learn English as an English learner. I will tell you the way how I learn English, the way to learn it happily, engagingly and confidently. Hopefully, my experience on English learning will help you out of the shadow.
In this article, I presume you as a collage student as I am now. If you think this article will not interest you, stop right here and don’t waste your time on it. If you are interested, please continue reading. You are welcomed to stop at anytime you get bored.
I don’t know how much you like the language, or maybe you hate it. To say the least, as a non-English native speaker, the language is a quite useful tool, which helps me to get information, communicate with people all over the world and entertain myself in a given situation. Here I have to cliché how useful the language is. Unfortunately, English is the most wildly used language in scholar on earth, about 90% of journal articles, published papers and website information are written in English. Learning English well can help you to get the most up-to-date and accurate information you want. Communication includes oral and written. Both take the equal importance. Oral communication is fast and may contain a lot of information. Written communication is more formal and reflects how cohesive and logistic your map of mind is. I put the entertaining to the last because you may not take notice of it, but it can make your learning more fun.
Ok, you may say, I know I should learn some English no matter how much I like it or dislike it. Now I want to know how YOU learn it.
Yes, it is time to touch the topic now.
(to be continued)
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posted on 2006-05-30 12:10
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Learning English