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Ok, you may say, I know I should learn some English no matter how much I like it or dislike it. Now I want to know how YOU learn it.


Yes, it is time to touch the topic now. As a collage student, you must have already learned the basic vocabulary, syntax, and grammar. You also can use some English. Here I won’t discuss these things. What I want to tell you are four abilities required in the English language learning: listening, speaking, reading and writing. There is no Grammar because it does not belong to the language ability, although it is the rule of the language.


First, think for a while of your weaknesses in the four abilities. Rank it and the one on the top of the list is the one you should work first. Then I will give you two rules, which illustrates the relationship between the four abilities through the point view of integrating them. The rules are: “Speak through Listening and Write through Reading.” It’s easy to remember, isn’t?  Next I’ll explain the way to improve the ability.



Listening is the first step to learn the language. A new-born baby use the same way to learn any language. While you are practice listening, except the meaning of the words, you should focus on the words’ pronunciations and how the words are used in the context. There are a lot of rules about pronunciations; however, you only need the very basic ones like vowels and consonants. For the rest, you depend on your ears to learn. Listen carefully how the English native speaker’s pronouncing. Mimic them and you will develop your sense. The second step is more advanced. While you are listening, try to figure out how you can use the word. If you can’t use the word, the word is not yours.



Speaking is easy once you listen carefully and accurately. The difficult part of speaking is how to express your own idea in an English idiomatic way. One way to tackle this part is to remember the whole sentences and practice them with your partners. It’s better to have a fixed partner who is at your level or higher than yours so that every time you can discuss deep into the topic, use some advanced words and learn from each other.



There is no need to spend much time explain this part because most of Chinese students have strong reading ability. None the less I suggest reading the original English novel so that you can develop a sense of truly English expression and expand your vocabulary. Usually, reading is the best way to learn a new word. Since you see how this particular word is used in the context, you can learn to use it in your expression. This is much effective method than rote remembering the vocabulary.



Writing can be the most difficult ability to develop. The problem is not how you write but how you think. The advice for me is to read and practice as much as you can. If possible have some English native speakers to give you some advice. But remember: practice makes perfect.  


Except for the four abilities you should target, you should also develop the “language alert” ability. What is that? You may ask. It is the ability to be alert to all the new words or the old words with new meanings. This ability is more advanced than the four I previously described. However, it is very much helpful to link that word with your own word chain. It’s always easier said than done. Here I give you an example. When you are speaking with the native speakers, you will have a topic. Suddenly this person speaks some words you haven’t heard of or confused. But according to the context you may have a vague understand of that word. You can politely ask him/her to repeat or explain that word to you. Moreover, when you get home, look up the word in an English-English dictionary to learn more about that word. In this way, you gradually absorb that word in your word chain. This is one way to be alert to the new words. Likewise, you can learn more words through reading original English novels.


The ways to improve the four English abilities and the language alert ability are very effective to LEARN the language and improve your language ability. However, I strongly disagree with you to use that to cram for exams and tests. They will be useless to you and you will get quite bored.


Before I put an end to this article, I would very much like to remind you that mere learning English in class is not adequate. It takes very small part of your learning English journey. Try to listen and read more out of class and I assure you that you will have a better life with the help of a good English ability.   

posted on 2006-06-02 02:04 IDTyao的企业电子培训 阅读(1335) 评论(7)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Learning English

# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2006-06-26 21:39 | Bao
It's a quite useful article for me, especially in this year. You write this series just like an English expert,:). Looking forward to more.  回复  更多评论
# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2006-06-26 22:00 | ID&T--日子的话之专业版
OK, Bao. Thank you for your compliment. But, I'm just the one like you, struggling in the English learning journey.   回复  更多评论
# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2006-11-23 12:46 | prettyrainbow
"Speak through Listening and Write through Reading."& "language alert "are important.As it to me ,i like english.It's beautiful when listenenglish,however,my english study is uneffective,and my spoken english is poor seriously.

Huang Yao,i know you from E-learning 大讲堂.Then,i have a look at your blog.I obtain so much.Thank you.


:(  回复  更多评论
# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2006-11-23 23:57 | ID&T--日子的话之专业版
I have replied it to your blog. Let me know if you have more

  回复  更多评论
# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2006-11-24 16:43 | prettyrainbow
Thank you,IDTYao.I'm glad to receive your message.I know you've worked too lately from number 13:33.Although it is very clumsyfor me using english to comunicate,i cherish this feeling.

I've read your article.I'm a student majored in Educational Technology in Lan zhou University.You should be my teacher and I will search for some help and ask your some questions on this theme.You strength my faith in learning english well and learning with Instructional Technology.

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# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2008-05-12 21:09 | Baby bon
I think it is very good ! Thank you !  回复  更多评论
# re: To Collage and Graduate Students: How to Learn English--Part II
2013-04-26 00:13 | Harry potter
谢谢,非常好,不过遗憾的是,我似乎曾经见过这篇文章,尤其是“ If you can’t use the word, the word is not yours”.经典的语句,不得不说,没人告诉我这句话的原创来自你这里,相信有盗版现象。
这个文章可以成为一个课件的绝对好范本,首页,四段能力章节,尾页。语音加文字,如果你提供朗读的音频,你那种快速的,让人跟不上的口音(英语的),我想试试弄成一个更好玩的东西。喜欢你的坦率。  回复  更多评论




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