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投稿过程中的英文理解问题汇总 (投稿信,图片格式要求,版权转让等)

发布日期: 2007-06-26 16:53 文章来源: 丁香园 457
关键词: 投稿 英文论文 问题汇总
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(3)  希望大家以后还有类似问题,在该贴后跟贴。
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1)Supply illustrations at the size they are to be printed, usually 76 mm wide (single column of text) or for especially large figures 161 mm (two columns of text). The intermediate width of 100 mm is also available should neither of these suffice.
2)Do not put a box around graphs, diagrams or other artwork.
3)Ensure that lettering is appropriately sized – should correspond to 8 or 9 pt when

2、Conflicts of interest
We ask authors to state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial and other relationships. If you are sure that there is no conflict of interest, please state this. You might like to look at an editorial in the British Medical Journal on Beyond conflict of interest ( Remember that sources of funding should be acknowledged in your paper.

3、Submission items include a cover letter (Authors are highly encouraged to include a list of 5-6 potential reviewers for their manuscript, with complete contact information), the manuscript (including title page, abstract, manuscript text, references, and table/figure legends), tables, and figures.
The manuscript must be accompanied by a covering letter detailing what you are submitting (type of contribution, title, authors' names and affiliation, etc.).

1)Authors can submit their articles electronically via the "Author Gateway" page of this journal ( system automatically converts source files to a single Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the article, which is used in the peer-
review process. Please note that even though manuscript source files are converted to PDF at submission for the review process, these source files are needed for further processing after acceptance.
2)Alternatively authors can submit by sending three hard copies of the manuscript and matching disk or e-mail directly to an editor who is an expert in the field of work being submitted.
3)The Publisher welcomes the receipt of an electronic version of your accepted manuscript (preferably encoded in LATEX). If there is not already a copy of this (on diskette) with the journal Editor at the time the manuscript is being refereed, you will be asked to send a file with the text of the accepted manuscript directly to the Publisher by e-mail or on diskette to the address given below.If the electronic file is suitable for processing by the Publisher, the article will be published without rekeying the full text. The article should be encoded in LATEX, preferably using the Elsevier document class 'elsart', or alternatively the standard document class 'article' or the document style 're-vtex'.

1)Manuscripts should be written in clear, concise form and sent to the Director,Three copies of the manuscripts must be written in English and double-spaced throughout.
2)Each table should be titled, appropriately numbered and typed on a separate sheet.
Units of measurement should be indicated and all abbreviations defined.
3)All the illustrations (graphs, drawings and photographs) should be referred to in the text as Figures. These should be good quality glossy photographs (or original India-ink drawings).
4)Since graphs are generally reduced in size to 8.5 cm, numbers, letters and symbols are to be originally large enough so that, when reduced, they will remain at least 2 mm high to maintain legibility. To avoid reduction, photographs' width should generally not exceed 8.5 cm. When necessary, photographs can be arranged to form a plate of the maximum size of 17 cm (width) x 18 cm (height). Legends to figures should be typed on a separate sheet.
5)Reprints should be ordered when returning the revised proofs and will be charged to the Authors.

6、The Title page should include
1)a short and informative full article title (series titles are not accepted);
2)names of all authors (with one forename in full for each author), followed by their affiliations (department, institution, city with postcode, country);
3)the mailing address, fax and phone number and e-mail address of the corresponding author;
4)a running title of 50 characters or less.

7、Entering a Comment is Required for Submission.
You must include below an ethical statement that the manuscript has not and will not be submitted for publication elsewhere, while it is in review for MRB.
Please suggest 3 suitable reviewers for your manuscript. Please provide the full name and e-mail address, and if possible, telephone number and postal address of each suggested reviewer.
Please enter any additional comments that you would like to send to the editorial office. These comments do not appear in your manuscript.

8、running title,teaching cases

9、Two complete sets of ullitrations must be submitted with legends typed on the same sheet

10、All illustrations should accompany the typescript, but not be inserted in the text
photographs....should have the author's name, bthe figure number and an indication as to which is the top of the picture.
Script should be typed doulbe-spaced on one side of the paper only", "doulbe-spaced"

11、"The name of the author and the number of the figure (in Arabic numbers) should be written in the margin in blue pencil."
The legends of the figures should be typed on a separate sheet headed "Figure legends".(figure legend?)

12、Submit the text (including any Tables) as a single file, in a standard disk (3.5 inch, not high density; 100 and 250 MB Zip disk and CD are also accepted), together with two hard copies of the manuscript and two sets of figures (not photocopies). Not photocopies

13、reviewer suggestions

14、The manuscript must be accompanied by copies of all relevant papers published elsewhere by the authors and by copies of relevant manuscripts that are in press or under editorial consideration. If any tables or illustrations have been published elsewhere the editorial office must be informed so that permission to reproduce can be obtained from the original publishers.
Papers must be arranged in the following order of presentation: title of paper; names of the authors; address of the place at which the work was carried out; a self-contained synopsis of the paper (100-200 words in length); tables; an abbreviated title for use as a running headline; captions to figures (on a separate page). Submissions not conforming to these guidelines may be returned to the authors.
a self-contained synopsis of the paper (100-200 words in length); tables; an abbreviated title for use as a running headline; captions to figures (on a separate page)
Figure captions should be submitted on a separate sheet of manuscript paper, clearly labeled. A total of 25 reprints of each paper will be provided free of charge to the author

15、cover letter和reviewer suggestions

16、In my experience, most overseas English journals with IF 1-5 don't require any review fees and publication fees. Moreover, you may receive up to 50 reprints for free when the paper is published.
However, some (not all) journals with higher IF, you may need such fees. You have to check if before or when you submit (normally online) your paper.

17、The authors should submit all the following files:
1.An official letter (paper with the heading of the institute, laboratory or company submitting the manuscript) signed by one of the authors, scanned as an image or pdf file.

18、cover letter 和comment

19、Running Title
1、  awaiting AE assignment
2、  with mini-hanging committee
3、  Current Status:Required Reviews Completed
4、  Awaiting Chief Editor Decision
5、  with referees Awaiting ED Recommendation
6、  under review
7、  Required reviews completed
8、  with editor
9、  status date
awaiting reviwer assignment
10、  in press ;Corrected Proof;Available online 16 September 2005
11、awaiting scores awaiting AE decision AE
12、in review
13、with editor for decision

1、  Submit original figures with the final manuscript. Figures are normally glossy prints of photographs or crisp black and white reproductions (photostats) of line drawings. To submit figures as computer files follow the instructions below. Image resolution must be 300 ppi at final printed image size. If the final printed image size is unknown, size the image at a larger than final print size, maintaining at least 300 ppi resolution, and we will downsample the image to fit the final print dimensions (we cannot enlarge a digitized image). Image sizes as follows: 2175 pixels wide for a 2-column image; 975 pixels wide for a 1-column image.

2、  line artwork, halftone artwork, combination artwork(line/tone)

3、" Authors should NOT in addition then post a hard copy submission to the editorial office, unless you are supplying artwork, letters or files that cannot be submitted electronically, or have been instructed to do so by the editorial office."
"References to figures and tables should be made in order of appearance in the text and should be in Arabic numerals in parentheses, e.g. (Fig. 2). Most file formats are accepted, but TIFF and EPS files, with fonts embedded, are preferred. If scanned, line art should be at a resolution of 800 dpi, and halftones and colour at 300 dpi. All colour values should be CMYK. "

4、Figures (photographs, diagrams and graphs)
All illustrations should be provided in camera-ready form, suitable for reproduction (which may include reduction) without retouching. In addition, illustrations should be sent in electronic form wherever possible, with each illustration included as an individual TIFF or EPS file.
Figures should be numbered consecutively in the order which they are referred to. They should not be included in the manuscript pages. The following standard symbols should be used as they are readily available to the typesetter: [] ע. Figure captions should be typed on a single sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript. The amount of lettering on a drawing should be reduced as far as possible by transferring it to the legend.

5、Tables should be typed on separate pages and be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals.

6、For each item you wish to submit, scroll down and:
Select the appropriate Item from the drop-down list. Mandatory Items are marked with an asterisk *.Enter a Description in the text box. Click Browse. In the open a window, select the file on your computer (original source file, not a PDF) and click Open. 'File Name' is filled now.
Click Attach This File.
Repeat steps 1-5 to attach the next submission Item When all Items have been attached, click Next at the bottom of the page.
Note 1: Figures, graphics, photos should not be embedded in the manuscript text file. Please upload separate figure files, preferred formats are EPS, TIFF, JPEG.
Note 2: If a Figure or Table is uploaded as a separate file, then please exclude this from the manuscript textfile, otherwise it will be shown in the PDF twice.

7、Line graphs and bar charts should be sent in bitmap TIFF files with a minimum resolution of 1200 dpi, or as EPS files, with a preferred line width of 1 pt (minimum line width of 0.5 pt). Bitmap images should be sent as TIFF files and not placed within EPS files .

1)Prepare the text in Microsoft Word in order to prevent conversion errors.
2)Format the manuscript as a double-spaced document with no paragraph indents.
3)Use the word-processor's word-wrap feature. Use hard returns only at the end of paragraphs.
4)Do not italicize common Latin terms (i.e., in vivo, in vitro, et al., ad libitum).

2、All manuscripts must follow the following presentation style: the text with do
uble-space, the reference list, a separate page of figure legends, and finally
tables and figures with a separate page for each one.

3、  Spacing needs to be adjusted throughout the text. These errors are very distracting. See as an example, page 5, paragraphs 2 and 3.
1、Your manuscript entitled "....." has been studied by several expert referees and, unfortunately, based on their evaluations and overall assessment of priority, we will not be able to accept your manuscript for publication in its present form. The specific comments from the reviewers are attached to the bottom of this email.
I would like to suggest that you consider the comments of the referees. I would be happy consider your manuscript, as a new submission, after revision and inclusion of additional data. I am sorry I can not be more positive at this stage.

2、"This paper is fairly "young" in the review process. At this time it is out with one referee and we are awaiting the decision from another to see if he is interested in the review. One referee did decline the review."

Dear Dr. Y:
Your manuscript xxx entitled "......" which you submitted to ......, has been reviewed. I am sorry to inform you that based on the reviewers' comments, I must ask you to revise and resubmit this manuscript before I can reach an editorial decision. The comments from reviewers are included at the bottom of this letter.
Please note that resubmitting your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance, and that your resubmission will be subject to re-review by the reviewers before a decision is rendered.
If you choose to resubmit your manuscript, go to and login to your Author Center. Look for "Manuscripts with Decisions" and select "Create a Resubmission" located next to the manuscript number. Then, follow the steps for resubmitting your manuscript.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for considering our Journal for the publication of your work. We hope that you will consider resubmitting your manuscript to the Journal.
With kind regards,
Dr. zzz
Associate Editor

4、Your manuscript, file number FP05223, is now out with 2 reviewers.

5、As you will read, the reviewer feels that there may be an interesting nucleus of data in your manuscript which may deserve publication at the end, but which at this moment is obscured by a very poor preparation of the manuscript, and also be the lack of some essential experiments. I am sorry to say that I support this statement very much, and I therefore have to reject your manuscript at this time. However, I would be sympathetic to handle a reREVIEWER 1

6、After review of your manuscript, I am afraid that we are not able to accept it for publication in BBRC. As you know, this is a rapid communication journal and not all submissions, regardless of their merit, are suitable for this format. In this case, we have found that your manuscript is too long for publication in BBRC's short, concise format. Moreover, the reviewer did not recognize the need for rapid advance publication and recommended that your study be submitted to a specialized journal.
I am sorry to convey this negative decision; I know it is a disappointment. However, I thank you for the opportunity to see your work, and I hope you will consider submitting future manuscripts to BBRC.

7、The cover letter should have 4 potential reviewers. You also need to place line numbers in the manuscript. Please find attached instructions.

1)provide an indication of data scattering (standard deviation of the mean values, for example)
2)the conditions for measuring Wo and We need to be more specifically defined
3)The manuscript needs some editing

9、The section of discussion should be improved especially for the new contribution such as the new data and new knowledge in this field.

10、Regarding the bbreviated Title Page,?we indicate that the manuscript should include on this page the Advances in Knowledge (up to 5 advances resulting from your study; given as short, numbered phrases). Since we wish the peer reviewers to evaluate this information, and since we have not received this information on the abbreviated title page you submitted, we must ask you to send us the Advances in Knowledge as soon as possible. We will send the Advances in Knowledge to the peer reviewers who will evaluate your manuscript. Advances in Knowledge is a bulleted list of information that further adds information to the existing literature of your manuscript. We are looking forward to receiving your list.

11、It would be very helpful if the authors would include an example of a calibration curve, especially since this is a quantitative method.

Dear XX,
Your paper is more appropriate for the Journal Stochastic Analysis and Applications. If you would like for your paper to be considered for this journal please inform Sally Ellingson at If not please inform me that you would like to have your file closed. If you wish to have your paper considered for Stochastic Analysis and Applications, I will forward your files to the appropriate place. Please let me know.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.
Yours sincerely,

13、Comments to Editor-in-Chief

14、Please can you confirm that you have a sponsor for your article and if so, forward the attached Confirmation of Funds form onto them to complete and return to me

Dear Dr ---,
The editor's decision came in over this weekend and I will send it to you shortly. The main message is that, although the paper is scientifically acceptable, you must have the paper edited by a native English speaker.
Yours sincerely,

16、Your manuscript is with the executive editor for reviewers to be invited.I will ask her to make your manuscript a priority in inviting reviewers.

17、Dear Dr. wei:
An examination of your manuscript has indicated that it is more appropriate for Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) than for the Journal of Bacteriology (J , to which you submitted the paper. Transfer to AEM has been recommended by Dr. Matsumura, editor in chief of JB; Dr. Ornston, editor in chief of AEM, concurs with that recommendation.

18、Thank you for submitting the above manuscript to XXXX. Your manuscript has been reviewed and I am sorry to have to inform you that, as currently presented, it is not suitable for publication in the journal. The paper presents interesting hypotheses on XXX, however, one of the main issues relates to the use of English, that the referees feel makes sections of the text ambiguous. You are strongly advised to seek the advice of a natural English speaker.
1、  Author's Own Work,work for hire,government and financial disclosure attached

2、  if we do not hear from you by return,the article will carry a line in place of copyright line merely indicating that Elsevier published the article
2)Name printed:_____________________________
3)Title and Company(if employer representative)___________________________

3、  If we have not heard from you within 10 days of the date of this e-mail we will publish the article with an Elsevier copyright line, or, in the case of Society journals, with the appropriate Society copyright line.

4、  Licence and Conflict

1、  Edited galley sheets will be e-mailed to you in the reasonably near future

1、  Please treat the data confidentially

2、  如何索取清样
3、  投稿后如何咨询稿件状态
4、  如何回复SCI投稿审稿人意见
5、  对国外杂志投稿时如何写email
6、  我是如何和老外要文献的

1、  Index Medicus
2、  peer-reviewed papers和peer-reviewed journal
3、  approve submission
4、  DOI
5、  欧元符号
6、  CSCI
7、  status Date
8、  在线投稿系统中的Author, Reviewer, Editor & Editor in chief
9、  Retraction of Publication
10、  poster abstract
posted on 2008-05-25 15:10 子昕 阅读(15504) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

# re: 投稿过程中的英文理解问题汇总 (投稿信,图片格式要求,版权转让等) [转载]
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