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when I listened  the song the best day over and over again, I just felt a wonderful spark goin in my head. Maybe I could call it the happiness of freedom. Nomatter how different the style they are, I also can pick uo all of them in the same playlist, Lady Gaga plus Taylor Swift. That's awesome!

Free to choose, free to believe, free to fillful the duty with LOL. Man can only be  pushed physically rather than mentally, cause our hearts are free.
In past few years, I was keeping doing the break work to my entire world built by the society, by parents and by all the other people in my head,  a world not belong to me.

So I just screwed up  everything!

Now, I begin to rebuild all the chain to other people's world step by step, freely, just following my heart.  Life will be fixed better than the before. yes, i believe!

That is it,  freedom!  No one can take it away from me mentally!
posted on 2010-04-09 09:26 子昕 阅读(57) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏

# re: Freedom[未登录]
2010-04-24 09:44 | Wei
Follow your heart, because it knows what you really want...  回复  更多评论

该文被作者在 2010-04-09 09:30 编辑过