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stain with the dri blood and he scrape some of it off with hi thumbnail like a dri piec of seal wax and put it in the pocket of hi shirt. That wa all he took from the eleph except the begin of the knowledg of lonelinessH rememb how the eleph lost all digniti as soon as hi ey had ceas to be aliv and how when hi father and he had return with the pack the eleph had alreadi start to swell even in the cool evening. There wa no more true elephant.. Aft the butcheri hi father tri to talk toshoe tory burch him that night by the fire. Davey,H wa a murder you know. he had said. Juma sai nobodi know how mani peopl he ha killed. Thei were all try to kill him weren't they? 200 201 . .  hi father had said,Naturally. with that pair of tusks. How could he be a murder then?  hi father had said. I'm sorri you got so mix up about him.Just as you like.  David had saidI wish he'd kill Juma..  hi father said. Juma' your friend you know.I think that'  piumino moncler carri it a littl far. Not anymore. No need to tell him so.  David had saidH know it..  hi father said and thei had left it thereI think you misjudg him.. the tusk so tall and thick that no on could believ them even when thei touch them and no one,Then when thei were final back safe with the tusk after all the thing that had happen and the tusk moncler badia

posted on 2010-09-16 18:10 思慧 阅读(144) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
