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Statistics A to Z
Statistics A to Z

A Application: The significance of Statistics is its application in almost every area. Economics, business, natural sciences, engineering--you name it, and then you will find statistical application in it.

B Belief: Some of the ideas of statistics sounded crazy when it was discovered. Those who firmly believed and persisted succeeded.

C Communication: We are not doing it for our own thrill, we will want to share what we find with others. Doing so, we need to communicate our ideas in layman terms--this requires a solid understanding and grasp of the ideas.

D Development: Statistics is one of the sciences that has a relatively short history of development. However, it has a well developed academia and a well defined system of concepts and methodologies.

E Excellence: We are always seeking to improve our analysis, excellence is what our ultimate goal lies.

F Fisher: One of the greatest statistician ever. Despite of being a nasty individual, he is still some one that every statistician will look up to.

G Government: The largest employer of statisticians.

H Honesty: We do not cheat, and we do not want to be cheated either.

I Inference: Result is not the only thing we care. What interested us is what conclusion we can draw from the result.

J Journey: Statistics is still on its way of evolving. It has a long long way to go, all we can do is to move it faster, and faster.

K Keynes: The author of the First Treatise in Probability. A genius

L Language: Statistics is a language that goes beyond the boarder. It is a languae that is spoken by all scientists, economists and etc.

M Methodology: T test, Chi square test, Test of Goodness of fit... We do not give them fancy names for fun, we know when, where and why to use them.

N Naive: We are a group of naive people who head for our target without a single bit of disattraction.

O Opportunity: Now with the evolving computing technology, we have so many opportunities to get involved in statistical research.

P Philosophy: Fisher's Maximum Likelihood Estimation? Bayesian's approach? Which is the right way--it simply depends on what philosophical view that you hold towards distribution--or statistics in general.

Q Questioning: Questioning the work by previous people. This is how we progress.

R Randomness: The idea of randomness sounds so fatalistic, we are the bunch of not many people who can actually make use of the randomness.

S Service: Statistics is a cool mind at the service of a warm heart.

T Training: We are all statisticians in training--the process might be painful, but we know we will be there some day.

U Unparallel: Name another subject that has an application in all sciences, humanities and engineering. Can you? I doubt so. Then you will know why Statistics is indeed unparrallel.

V Value: The value of statistics is far beyond our ability to estimate. Probably this is one of the many things that we cannot quantified?

W Wisdom: Statistics brought us wisdom.

X X: The unknown, the random variable, the force that drove us in our pursuit.

Y Yeah: After reading the above 24 words, don't you feel like cheering for what we are doing?

Z Zeal: Can you feel your heartbeat increasing after reading my article? I guess it is something called passion, hmm maybe you might call it adrenalin. Well, I shall collect some data and do a paired T test with it. =)

posted on 2009-08-12 20:11 彬彬 阅读(91) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
