how to become a granny errr elder

how to become a granny errr elder
In order to become an elder you just need to do the achievements. Is it that simple? No way if you are a lvl 74 character and have only 1 week to get to 80 so you can enter Gundrak heroic. So here is what you need to do to achieve this:

visit all the elders you can (solo, prowling, stealth, invisible) - you will hit a problem with Upgarde Pinnacle and Gundrak
a bunch of friends willing to go the extra mile to help you out ( this includes babysitting your char for the more difficult quests and taking you in the dungeons)
lots of time and coffee
So you will need to get to lvl 80 in 1 week. Start visiting the normal elders (not dungeons) and the ones from the dungeons where you can get without having to fight your way in. This should not take more than 1 day. In the rest 6 days you have left you will need to do 1 level per day so better start questing.

The last 4 levels will need to be done in about 3 days. Here is where the friends come into play. You will need at least 1 friend (lvl 80 offcourse) to help you with the quests marked as Group because they do give an insane amount of experience for the time it takes to complete it wow gold (like killing an 80 elite takes 1 minute and get a bucket of xp and a quest to collect some stuff takes longer and gives a drop of xp). Another thing to do are daily quests that also give some very nice xp.

So here you are on the last day of the event at 22:00 hours and still 50% of level 79. You say to yourself “I’m not going to make it but I must try or the last days when I played like a mad man will mean nothing”. So you get your mount ready and go get some more quests. At 23:30 you still need about 500k xp but you sudden realize that you have about 10 quests not turned in. A glimpse of hope starts to be seen. Go and turn then in….. 300k still needed. Your friends are about finished with their raid so you ask one of them to help with some group quests. Even if it is late he accepts.

You start dragging your friends all over the map for those hard quests, you manage to get lost on the map and to die like a fool a couple of times but you’re nearly there: 1K left.

Now comes the “fun” part: it’s 1:30, everybody is tired and can’t keep their eyes open but they stick with you and help you do 2 instances to get to the elders. During one instance you finally ding making you a very happy person and in the end you do get the tile 2 hours from the event closure.

I would like to thank Patricus, Jensomething, cheap wow gold Belgua, Neoublie, Rijje and all the others for helping me get older and elderly.

PS: Sorry about the ninja looting for that herb. Could not think that clear after 3 days staight of WoW. 

posted on 2009-12-17 08:46 bogger 阅读(44) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏












