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I spent the whole day staying at home by myself, but I am glad to say that I had a good weekend.

   Kong came to Wang’s house for a dinner, and Wang asked me to enjoy them after my duty off, but I refused her kind invitation and would like to stay alone.

    I bought an interesting magazine in a bookstore, searched for some refreshment in the supermarket and went home happily.

  But I was surprised opening the door, my house was in a mass, it looked like being burgled in the daytime. But I know the reason and tidied my house immediately with a great willingness.

  The room seemed bigger after the big laptop computer was carried away, after my hard work, It looked better, I thought it’s time for me to enjoy my sock, but astonished by a bulk of dirty clothes waiting for me to wash, washing them is my best choice if I wanted to enjoy eating and reading. To be frank, it really cost me a lot of time and arduous labor.

  I was really tired and hungry, luckily, my happy time was coming.

  I didn’t go to sleep until two a clock in the next morning, the rain and wind were heavy outside. I felt a litter scared but that feeling fade away after sleeping.

  How time flies, it was nine when I decided to get up. After washing face and brushing teeth, I enjoyed my reading again; that feeling was really good.

  At noon , I gave my family a call, fortunately, my dad was at home, I really wanted to talk to him for his inculcations, he told me many great cautions for both my life and work, I really benefited from his words. I took out my favorite textbook to read, I haven’t read loudly for a long time, and the previous good feeling was coming to me again, I just read without paying attention to people in front of my door. In fact, I could read better having some listeners.

There was just 10 left in my pocket, but I really wanted to have a good meal in the evening, fortunately, the goods just cost me 9.6, I was preparing my dinner happily waiting for his coming.

Until then, I found I missed him a little, and fancied that maybe he would come back taking some refreshment which I would like to eat, but the result proofed that I was wrong, he took nothing for me, but it doesn’t matter, my expectation was his coming not those material.

posted on 2006-07-17 18:20 珍惜幸福 阅读(138) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏
  • # re: a happy week end!  一片云 Posted @ 2006-07-18 18:17
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    I am an Enlish fan , may I make friends with you and study together? MY QQ:365536530
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  • # re: a happy week end!  ellen zeng Posted @ 2006-07-24 13:25
     Thanks for your kinds words, but i am unable to chat you on QQ, very best wishes of everything to you!  回复  更多评论   

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