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I asked for a leave commencing 7th, Jan. I still remember how excited I was seeing the sitting ticket. You can imagine how difficult to get a ticket to go home in Shenzhen, nevertheless a sitting ticket.

  After 22 hours, we had our long and tired trip concluded successfully. We got onto the train 6:00AM that morning. His younger brother asked for a cab to pick us up in the front of the train station. Then, I have no other choice but come to his home.

   The second day, I decided to go home to see my beloved parents. His parents were convinced by me; they allowed him to go to see my parents.

   He was a little nervous and asked me if we arrived for several times, I though it’s very funny. Because of it was rain several days before, the road is a little slippery, I asked my Daddy to pick us up. They shake hands seeing each other. From my father’s smiled face, I knew he was quite happy.

  You can imagine how happy I was seeing my mother whom I hadn’t seen for half of a year. She was preparing noodles with sliced pork. He said greetings to my mother and she smiled.

  We enjoyed my mother’s delicious noodles. My father is a talkative man, as a leader in our village for almost 20 years, he is good at speaking. They two talked very happily.

  The thing I worried for a long time convinced to be concluded successfully.

  Next morning, my father found we didn’t have toothbrush and went to the shop to buy two pcs. To my great surprise, he came back with one toothbrush only. When I found out his mistake, he was shamed to say he forgot to buy one for me. We all laughed. I told my mother that my father like my boyfriend rather than me. My mother prepared four dishes for breakfast; only very important guest can enjoy such a formal meal. I know my parents like him and wanted to give him a good impression about our family.

   Our lunar month December 23rd is a very important day, because the spring festival will come 7 days later. That evening, all family members should sit together to enjoy a very large meal. That evening, my grand father, my father and he drunk beer and alcohol for a long time, we enjoyed delicious dishes, talking and laughing, right now, I still want to experience that good time. we really enjoyed every minute of that evening.

  But he decided to go home the next day, I really was reluctant to allow him to go, but I knew he still had many things to do, and I shouldn’t be so selfish to ask him to stay with me.

  Torment always comes after happiness. The second day, my mother, my aunt, my younger brother and I went to the market. On our way home, a boy ride a bicycle bumped my younger brother’s and his bicycle fell on his leg. I was stunned so deeply that I didn’t know what I should do next. My younger brother has hemophilia; his leg can’t be run down. He cried and couldn’t stand up, without one minute hesitate, we called a cab to send him to the hospital in our county.

  My mother and I cried, we really didn’t know how to do if the result was serious…

  My father was going to have a meal with his business partners to congratulate their success in one business transaction in our county, receiving my phone, he left there immediately.

   I didn’t accompany them to the hospital and stay at home to wait news. I wish everything would be all right, but I was wrong, my pity younger brother’s leg was broken. I really couldn't believe that lighting bolt. My parents and my younger brother cried. No one can tell me why my younger brother should bear so many adversities. I really want to cry for god not treating us fairly. But we should accept and face to all difficulties the god gave to us.

   Three days later, they came back; I know he should stay in bed for two months…

   I don’t know why we had been so happy three days before and should be so tearful three days later. I don’t know why god doesn’t allow me to enjoy my valuable holiday but let such miserable disaster happened in our family.

posted on 2007-03-31 11:26 珍惜幸福 阅读(95) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

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