Cara Dillon,超级超级超级喜欢的女乐人。声音简直好到家了。

860172_h.jpgCara Dillon(卡兰.迪伦)出生于1975年,来自一个爱尔兰传统音乐世家。她的声音如此清透美丽而极具风格,让观众们觉得相间恨晚。用这样一句话来形容Cara Dillon不足为过:Cara Dillon是个不寻常的天才!仅仅几年的时间内,Cara Dillon凭借她震撼人心的表演和成熟迷人的声音赢得了整个国家观众的心,以及其他几个国家的观众,因为她的表演能穿越国界,文化和语言。自从Cara Dillon与Sam Lakeman离开原来的唱片公司去追求自己个性化的音乐,他们已经逐渐写出并录制了显示他们自己强烈个性的首张唱片。自1996年之后5年时间里,尽管他们面临诸多困难,于2001年,精美的一张唱片终于出炉问世。几乎所有的歌曲都是具有传统习俗风格的,但也有一些精细的创新,属于他们个性化的创意,如在歌曲中叙述一个美妙的故事,特别是Sam Lakeman亲自弹奏的钢琴伴奏声,极和谐地配合着他美妙的声音流淌。



Blue Mountain River

Blue mountain river, if only for a while,
Take me to the river,I'll lay down by your side,
The world is full of madness and I find it hard to smile,
Take me where you’re going, I ’ll be right by your side.
Blue mountain river, comfort me a while,
I ’ll follow down the river, I'll follow you til night,
I listen to you whispers, you dance in time to mine,
We’ll stay awake together watching silver in the sky.
Blue mountain river, I wanna rest a while,
You’re changing my reflection and the seasons in my mind,
Let these days go on forever, I ’ll leave in my own time,
Take me where you’re going and I ’ll be right by your side.
Blue mountain river, I went there for a while,
I listened for an answer and I found it deep inside,
When I’m lost behind the shadows and I wanna run and hide,
My blue mountain river is there right by my side.

         Dream Away。

posted on 2006-08-04 01:12 暖暖 阅读(150) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: MusicLove