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转:建立和扩展业务 报价英语


(一)Services Offered 提供服务
1) Our lines are mainly...... /We can offer a large variety of ....
2) We are able now to execute from stock the largest orders./to supply any quantity of our goods without delay.
3) We have large quantity of ....in stock.
4) At our premises we have on show the complete range of our...
5) We are able to quote you very advantageous terms.
6) Our agreements with leading manufacturers enable us to supply you at most attractive prices.
7) We should be pleased to let you have samples to give a demonstration at your premises.
We can assure you that all your orders will receive our immediate and most careful attention.
9)This letter is to inform you that we have lately obtained a patent for a new type propulsion system for aircraft.
10) We thank you for all past favor, and we are always at your service.
11) We are already pleased to serve you at any time.
12) We are anxious to be able to serve you.
13) Do you want this kind ot service? The enclosed.... will bring it to you.
你需此类服务吗?附上... 可满足你方要求。
14) Always with pleasure at your service.
(二)Experience and References 经历和推荐
1) I have been in this line of business for many years.
2) I have been for many years connected with ....Ltd. and been in charge of their export department for ten years.
我已在...公司供职多年, 十年来我一直主管他们的出口部。
3) The business will be under the management of Mr Cheng who has been for many years with this compary in charge of their sales department.
该项业务由 ... 程先生管理,他主管此公司的销售部已有多年。
4) As referees we wish to give the following who have kindly agreed go give any information you may desire.

Establishment of Business Relations 建立业务关系

1)We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality , mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.
2) We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a stateoperated corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods.
3) Being specialized in the export of Chinese art and craft goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.
4)To acquaint you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference.
5)In order to give you some idea of various qualities of handicrafts we carry, we have pleasure in forwarding you by airmail one catalog and a few sample books for your perusal.
6)Having had your name and address from the Commercial Counsellor's Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in your country, we now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations by the commencement of some practical transactions.
7)Your firm has been recommended to us by the Chamber Commerce in Tokyo, Japan.
We thank you for your letter offering your services and should like to discuss the possibility of expanding trade with you.
9)In order to promote business between us, we are airmailing you samples, under separate cover, for your inspection.

Opening Subsidiary Companies 建立分公司
1 )We are glad to inform you that we have recently opened a branch company for the sale of the garments at Shanghai.
2)I am writing to inform you that I have just established myself in this city as a commission agent.
3) For the convenience of our customers, we have decided to open a new branch in Guangzhou, and have appointed Mr Cheng the manager.
4) We are pleased to inform you that we have recently opened a branch establishment for the sale of the new products at Chengdu.
5) We are pleased to inform you that our business will be turned into a limited company on January 2nd.
6) We have the pleasure to inform you that we have entered into partnership with Ms Yang.
7) It is proposed that one ordinary share of the ABC Co., Ltd., shall exchange for one share of the XYZ Co., Ltd.
现提议将以 ABC 股份有限公司普通股一股交换XYZ 股份有限公司一股。
We arenow a private limited company and shall carry on the business to our mutual prosperity.
9) I have the pleasure to announce that the business of the firm will, from June 1st, be carried on by myself at the same address.

Establishment and Extension of Business 建立和扩大业务

Procuration Granted 授予代理权
1)We have the pleasure to inform you that we have given the company's procuration to Mr.Gui.
2) We inform you that we have authorized Mr.Cheng who has been with us for many years , to sign for our company per procuration.
3) I have the pleasure to inform you that Ms.Wang has been authorized to sign for the company by procuration.
4)As the state of my health prevents me at present from giving personal attention to routine business, I have given my procuration to Ms.C.G.P, who assisted me for the past ten years tomy perfect satisfaction.
Removal 迁址
1)We inform you that we shall on October 1st, 1999 remove to a more convenient office at Heping street.
2)We inform you that we have this day removed to Shijiazhuang , where all correspondence should be addressed in future.
3)Owing to the expiration of our lease we have removed to the above address.
4)Kindly change our company's address on your records from ..... to......

3.Offers 报价

Voluntary Offers 自动报价
1)We obtained your name and address from China Daily who gave us to understand that you are experienced importer of ........ We have now pleasure in offering you ..., of which we would appreciate your pushing the sale on your market.
2)We understand that you are interested in... and are offering you, by our cable of ..., a parcel at the price of ... per ton CIF... .
3) We understand that there is a good demand for... in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation No. ... for your consideration.
4)We are enclosing our Quotation No. ... on ... for your consideration, and hope to receive your trial order in the near future.
5)We have pleasure in offering you the goods listed on the attached offer sheet No. ... , and hope that they will be of interest to you.
6)We have pleasure in recommending to you ... and enclose Quotation No. ... for your reference.
荣幸地向贵方推荐..., 随函附上第...号报价单,供贵方考虑。
7)Further to our letter of ... we now offer you without engagement, our various items as follows
8)We are pleased to inform you that there are 50 tons of Match-stick now available for export.

Replies to Inquires 答复询价
1)Referring to your letter dated... in which you inquired for... , we have pleasure in cabling you an offer as follows:
2)In answer to your inquiry for...(name of commodity), we offer you ...(quantity).
关于贵公司所询...(商品), 现可供...(数量)。
3) As requested, we are offering you the following subject to our finalconfirmation:
4)We thank you for your inquiry of Nov.29, and can offer you... This offer will remain open until the receipt of your fax by return.
5)We thank you for your letter asking for our new catalogue. It is being despatched to you under separate cover and we hope that you will find many items in it which interest you.
6)Further to our letter of ... we have now heard from our works that it is possible to supply...
7)In reply to your letter of ... we confirm our fax of today reading:
8)As soon as we are able to say anything definite frgarding our supply of compressors, we will cable you again.
关于我方提供压缩机一事,一俟我方有进一步消息,即电告你方 。

Sending Proforma Invoice 寄形式发票
1)We thank you for your inquiry of ... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice No. ... As soon as you have handed in your application for import license, please send us a copy for reference.
2)Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No. ... for...
3)We are pleased to send you our Proforma Invoice No. ... in triplicate as requested.
按要求,兹寄上我方形式发票第...号, 一式三份.
4)We have been informed by ... that you are thinking of purchasing... and have pleasure in enclosing our Proforma Invoice in duplicate.

Sending Price Lists 寄价格单
1)Many thanks for your letter of ...... We enclosed our Catalog No. ... and we have quoted our best terms in the attached price lists. We believe that our... will meet your requirements.
2)We have pleasure in attaching our current quotation for your reference and, as we are able to offer prompt delivery, we look forward to receiving your cable order in the near future.
3)At the suggestion of ... we have much pleasure in sending you under separate cover our price lists... which we hope might possibly be of interest to you.
4)We enclose our latest price list No. ... on Arts and Crafts, for which there is regular demand on your market.

Inability to Supply 无力供应
1)We very much regret that we are unable to supply what you require just now.
2)While we appreciate what you stated in your letter of..., we regret that it is impossible for us to supply... for the time being.
3)We regret that we are unable to supply you with the small quantity yu require.
4)We have taken due note of your requirements for... but regret being unable to supply at present. We will certainly fax you an offer as soon as there is stock available.

posted on 2009-12-17 09:02 joyo 阅读(85) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 英文函电