How to control anger? 【如何控制愤怒】
1. Are you always apt to anger?
2. What usually makes you angry?
3. Were you ever out of control of your temper?
4. When you’re anger at sth. /sb., how do you control it?
5. Will you feel regretful after being angry to others?
1. General information about the emotion-anger
Anger is an emotion which the vast majority of us are quite capable of controlling, however for some of us this emotion is much harder to control. For those of us who cannot control our anger, the slightest problem encountered can send them into an uncontrollable rage. This problem no matter how slight can and often is seen to be something major. People who are unable to control their anger can destroy relationships they have with those closest to them. These angry people may, during fits of uncontrollable rage hit doors, walls, and other inanimate objects and even go as far as to break things. It will be a very frightening thing for those around this person to witness. Of course no good ever comes out of this. This person has to be made to realize that he or she must learn to control their anger.
2. How to control anger?
Stop. Notice when you get angry and look for the signs. Is your voice rising, neck tightening, face getting hot, hand shaking, jaw tightening and breath shortening? Do you want to run away?
Think. Try to picture the consequences if you lose control. Most of us don't want to hurt our children, spouse, co-workers or others, either physically or emotionally. If you try to picture the consequences both for you and for the person with whom you are angry, it can help you engage your brain before you engage your tongue or fist.
Ask. Ask yourself what you're really angry about. What do you want? All too often the family member we're angry at is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. We may actually be angry about a decision our boss made, the slow driver who made us late, or ourselves for not handling a situation as well as we should have.
Reward. Reward yourself by saying, “I did a good job.” You've controlled your anger and maintained a bond with a family member, friend or other fellow human being. To continue this new behavior, reward yourself, go to lunch, see a movie, buy something special, or spend time with a friend. By controlling anger and thinking about effective solutions, we increase our chances of finding healthy solutions to our problems.
apt adj. 有...倾向的, 易于...的
regretful adj. 惋惜的, 哀惜的, 遗憾的
encounter n. 相会, 遭遇, 相遇
v. 遇见, 会战, 邂逅; 偶然相遇
rage n. 狂怒, 盛怒; 强烈的欲望, 狂热; 狂暴, 肆虐; 风靡一时的事物
v. 发怒, 怒斥; 流行, 盛行; 猖獗, 激烈进行, 肆虐
inanimate adj. 无生命的; 单调的; 无生气的; 没精打采的
witness n. 证人, 证据, 目击者
v. 目击, 证明, 作证; 作证人, 成为证据
jaw n. 颚; 下巴; 颌
v. 闲聊, 唠叨; 责骂, 数说
consequence n. 结果; 推论; 推理
engage v. 使忙碌; 预定; 雇佣; 答应; 交战; 从事
posted on 2008-03-28 09:03
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