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Now think about life.
Life is not always easy.
Life is not always comfortable.
Sometimes life is very hard.
Things don’t happen like we wish.
People don’t treat us like we hope.
We work very hard but get few results.
What happens when we face difficulties?

We go in tough and strong.
We come out soft and weak.
We get very tired.
We lose hope.
We give up.
There is no more fighting spirit.

We start with a soft and sensitive heart.
We end up very hard and unfeeling inside.
We hate others.
We don’t like ourselves.
We become hard-hearted.
There is no warm feeling, only bitterness.

We make something good from the difficulties we face.
To succeed, we must try… and try again.
We must believe in what we are doing.
We must not give up.
We must be patient.
We must keep pushing.
Problems and difficulties give us the chance to become stronger… and better… and tougher.
posted on 2006-07-10 23:08 louis 阅读(48) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 感悟

该文被作者在 2006-07-16 23:02 编辑过