Those days many Chinese started boycott French enterprise and products, espacially Carrefour. Many MSN users have added (L)CHINA in his/her name, the (L) will become a red heart in MSN. So it is very beautiful when you check your friend list, so many exciting red hearts. Everyone just wants to use this to express their real feeling to CHINA, and reaction/perception of what happened in London and Paris.

In fact, I think French and Germany are friendly before Tibet riot and torch happened, I think many people also thought like me. But after those unhappy things, Chinese have started to know there are so many foreigns hate us, mostly China government. We
began to see France in a totally new perspective.
And last week a CNN
commentator Jack Cafferty insulted Chinese on Last Tuesday. Cited the whole section from Xinhua website as below.
In a TV show "The Situation Room" on April 9, Cafferty said the Chinese products are "junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export."
In a TV show "The Situation Room" on April 9, Cafferty said the Chinese products are "junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export."
"So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed,"he continued. "I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years," he said, apparently referring to the Chinese people.
Faced with severe criticism from the Chinese people as well as many others in the world, Cafferty said "I was referring to the Chinese government, and not to Chinese people or to Chinese-Americans" when making the "goons and thugs" comments.
However, when attempting to correct his humiliating comments, Cafferty has got himself into trouble again by targeting the Chinese government after his comments have caused wide criticism and fury.
And heard the biggest stakeholder of Carrefour is supporting Tibet threat. Most of Chinese start to boycott Carrefour and French products. We know the boycott thing might be childish and immature, and it does no good to both sides in the long run. But other than that, we have no better way to express our outrage and disgust. And most people try to use back Chinese products, leave Chinese bussiness to the Chinese!!
I just can say 'West world, you hurt us very much'!!!