

RECYCLING --GP essay outline


How far is recycling the answer to the problem of waste?


“The answer”—only/best way.

“The problem of waste”—the problem of managing rubbishes.

*wastewastage (excessive use of valuable resources which could be saved)



With increasing amount of waste being produced in many countries, there is mounting concern about not just the economic cost of dealing with that waste, but also more importantly, the negative impact that waste could have on our environment and our health. One of the obvious answers to the problem of managing waste is to recycle waste products, since this would greatly reduce the volume of waste we have to deal with. However, it is far simple to say that recycling is the only or even the best answer because there are also other factors such as the various problems associated with recycling and various possible waste management solutions that could be better than recycling.


1 Recycling is a good answer to the problem of waste since it reduces the volume of waste and hence the economic cost of dealing that waste which have negative environmental and health impact upon us. (through recycling, waste could be reused as raw materials and hence the problem of lacking space for waste and the pollution which waste could lead to may be less severe.) 

- Incineration

- Landfill


2 Problems of recycling:

- Economic viability

- Not everything can be recycled

- Dependent on people’s habits which are very difficult to be changed and it takes time

- Materials of low recycling rates are better to be disposed into landfills


3 Other ways to tackle the problem of waste:

- Reusing

- Reducing wastage

- Alt. processes that do not produce so much waste. (compact fluorescent light bulb)

posted on 2007-05-24 16:08 泥瓜 阅读(664) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 萌芽