

It was 10th...

a rather normal day,
though it was slightly special as compared to the rest of my days back in Wuhan.

I met Ring, my primary school classmate, after 8 years not seeing each other.
She suggested me to organize a primary school classmates' gathering.
I don't plan to do it, though I'm really looking forward to meeting those old friends.
Maybe I'm scared.

It really surprised me that Ring is now taking an English course in NDI (a what I call 'Profit-educational-Organization'). I accompanied her to the 'institution', planning to chat with Jason and Vaughan while she was having lesson. How long have I been away? Long enough for Vaughan to submit his resignation letter. I sort of figured this would happen few months ago when I got to know him. He might be more suited in a NGO. The good news is that he still checks his emails and he's still in Wuhan.

Jason is becoming busier, though that may mean only 4-5 working hours/day. It's easy for foreigners to earn money in China, especially when you are white. But talking to an American like him was a pleasure, because he still uses a lot of 'qualifiers'. Now I'm curious about his little 'private business'.

I found that I could not write/type/speak in English as naturally as I could a few months ago. That's a bit scary...

posted on 2008-07-12 01:32 泥瓜 阅读(49) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: log 日子


# re: It was 10th... 2008-07-12 22:32 空心草

一个时尚年轻妹妹的时尚博客。  回复  更多评论   

# re: It was 10th... 2008-07-12 23:32 泥瓜

哈哈~ 姐姐您说话真好听~ 我听了都要漂起来了~~
来~ 再振一个~~

不过再怎么说在下都还是要像姐姐多学点儿东西的~~ 哈哈~  回复  更多评论