



1. Discuss the Harrod-Domar and Solow models of growth. Compare the two models by explaining their similarities and differences. Include in your discussion the original intent of the authors and how their models were used (or misused) by development economists.
1。讨论Harrod-Domar 和 Solow的两种发展学模式。通过解释它们的相同和不同之处比较两者。讨论中包括这几个作者提出它们的发展模式的原意和目的,以及他们的模式如何被之后的发展学经济学家们使用(或者滥用)。

这个题还好,至少再读下课本就差不多了。Harrod 和Domar这两个经济学家提出的发展理论主要在于储蓄和投资,并且认为机器(生产过程中使用的)是发展的最重要因素。Solow则认为机器和投资并不是发展的关键。他认为发展的关键在于科技,因为先进的科技可以提高工作效率。而且无限制的增加机器到后来会有越来越少的回报。。。

2. Explain the different ways of measuring absolute and relative poverty. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each measure. Which measure (or measures) would you use to most accurately (a) compare the standard of living in India and Bangladesh, and (b) illustrate India's growth and development over time? Explain.


3. How is bribe similar to a tax on a good? Assume that the government official extorting the bribe is a monopolist and whose marginal cost in providing the good is negligible. Explain the differences between bribery "with theft" and bribery "without theft" using a specific government good as an example. Which type of bribery is more likely to be self-perpetuating and why?


4. Will there be another food crisis? Last year saw a surge in food crop prices that was attributed to many reasons including the growing demand from emerging economies like India and China, and farmers switching to more profitable bio-fuel production. Such high returns attracted an inflow of investments to agriculture, which resulted in higher yields and falling prices towards the end of the year. However, the Economist magazine (4 July 2009) stated that today "the fact that prices are well above their 2006 average, even in a recession, suggests that the spike of 2008 did not signal a mere bubble--but rather, a genuine mismatch of supply and demand." Explain. Do you think that food crop prices will increase in spite of higher yields?


5. Easterly showed that knowledge leaks and skills matches would lead to increasing returns to knowledge. Give a real-world example of a developing country in Asia that you think is currently experiencing this. You must specify the area of knowledge (e.g.medicine, electronics, bio-tech, etc.) What role does the country's free-market orientation (or the lack of it) play?




posted on 2009-07-15 11:06 泥瓜 阅读(73) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 萌芽我思故我在


# re: 要考试了 2009-07-15 14:24 瑜伽视频

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# re: 要考试了 2009-07-15 20:58 昊天客


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