
It's hard to believe but it's true that some herbs and herb root extracts when combined produce a powerful tonic that effectively rids the dreaded condition of erectile dysfunction, and builds sexual confidence which is most important for a male to perform sexually without fear of failure to satisfy his women. The potency of some herbs with the qualities to eradicate erectile dysfunction is truly amazing. Millions of men have been cured quickly, safely, and economically.

Some herbs are natural potent aphrodisiacs, and others contain life enhancing properties. When the right ingredients are combined carefully the result is a natural herbal male enhancement cure for erectile dysfunction, alcohol impotence, and premature ejaculation.
Unlike some of the invasive surgery or toxic medication, most won't hurt you. I use the term most because herbology and Chinese medicine, while normally safe, also uses some toxic herbs. Foxglove, a plant that Indians used for heart conditions is the plant digitalis purpurea. This plant from herbal remedies of the American Indian gave us the drug Digitalis, a toxic medication if used improperly.

posted @ 2011-06-18 12:09 quanyin 阅读(35) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Mention Chinese medicine to anyone today, especially in Western countries, and visions of acupuncture are the first thing that springs to mind for most people.

The truth is, Chinese medicine is so much more. Even more true, is the fact that Chinese medicine very often surpasses and is the foundation for Western medical practices.

Since practically the beginning of time, if it could be said that one culture literally wrote the book on herbalism -- only the Chinese could claim the prize of having the longest unbroken belief and traditions in herbal medicine.

It has always seems odd to me that the herbal medicine practices of Asian cultures, should be considered alternative medicine,while today's science of synthetic drugs (Western medicine) should be the standard.
More and more people are using holistic healing as either a supplementary method or their main technique of health care. Holistic healing treatment uses all aspects of the individual to treat illness. It is a combination of body, mind and spirit. It takes all things into consideration such as the patient's diet, their environment, their lifestyle, social outlets, spiritual health and of course their physical health. All the aspects of their life create the disease or illness, not just an isolated part.

posted @ 2011-06-18 12:02 quanyin 阅读(46) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

As you begin to get older, many men begin to wonder about their prostate health. Prostate health is all over the news and media. If you are worried about your prostate health, or want to find out ways to help protect it, you have come to the right place.
It is important to understand that there are many problems with prostate health that aren't life threatening. So if you feel that you may have a problem with your prostate, usually shown by a difficulty to urinate, it is important that you seek medical advice. Prostate disease is a condition that can vary from individual to individual.The key to preserving your prostate health is go get proper treatment early on. Many men are ashamed to seek treatment, which can ultimately lead to further complications.

Prostate problems can range from benign to malignant. Men in their sixties and seventies are at a much greater risk than any other time in their lives to be diagnosed with an enlarged prostate.

posted @ 2011-06-18 11:56 quanyin 阅读(40) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
