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Someone live, someone die.
Someone say hi someone say bye

Someone give up,I always try
Someone may forget you ,
But never I ...





My Friends

Spring's another Blog



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2008-5-19 23:05


  Hope all is well with you and your family.
   Please accept our heartfelt condolences to the Chinese people toward the recent earthquake devastation inflicted to the southwestern Sichuan province of China.  The Bolte Family Foundation is currently in the process of putting together a challenge with all global  personnel to match any and all donations toward this relief effort, which will be coming out shortly.

   As such, we are hoping that our BDP global community step up to this challenge in providing as much money to worthy charitable organizations within China as possible. We have found, at least here in the U.S., that many "charity" organizations take quite a bit of the donations toward "Administration" costs. I do not know if this is applicable within Chinese charity organizations as well (we hope not), however can you suggest a few worthy charity organizations that will ensure that the most money donated will get to the actual victims as quickly and as efficiently as possible?

    We are looking to be able to either make the donation directly to the organization(s) or if you would prefer, we can send the foundation check to yourself for formal presentation to the local charity(s). If you could please provide your thoughts, it would greatly be appreciated.

The Bolte Family Foundation:
Board of Directors/Officers:
Bill Connors - President
Tom Kramer - Vice-President
Midge Clark - Treasurer
John Clark - Secretary

Bill Connors
President - The Bolte Family Foundation
2008年5月19日 23:51

Dear Bill,

 We are fine here in China.
 I would like to on behalf 1.3 billion mainland Chinese to thank you and the Bolte Family Fundation to make any effort on this, really appreciated !

 I will get back to you by tomorrow for the most direct and effctive way to ensure every single cent go direct to the people who needs our help, appreciate again from the deep of our heart !

Dear China team,

 We are not alone fighting with this disaster, our friends is doing something and trying to help far from 10000 kms, we should be stronger !

General Manager-North China

posted on 2008-05-22 11:15 春日清泉 阅读(129) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 飘摇上海