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It's been a long long time since I last enter here. We no longer have internet access at our new home, and I was always too busy....

I promised my son that i will return home early: he is 6 and half months old now, and he starts to prefer my company more than anyone else. It's a sweet feeling. In the morning after I left for work, my mother-in-law told me, that he would always look to the door and look for me, and when he doesnt see me, he would make lots of noise until he was brought outside the door, he would be quite then. He seems to be remeber that "mom" disappeared from that door, and "mom" will be found there.

I felt guilty for always finishing work late lately. Often it's 8pm when I enter the door again, and my son was already anxious and his searchful eye would lighten up when he saw me.

Raining day today. I read a bit of DELUKE last night, his golden word still ring in my brain: dont dismiss the simple, boring things, like a pianonist practise simply boring keys to perfect his art, I shall treat my boring, simply daily responsiblity with the same attitude.

Lifte slipped by and I am in middle 30 now. Looking back it's hard to believe that I am actually this old. 10 years ago didn't seem so long ago, would my whole life be gone like this, one day when i am old and all winkled up, i would sign the same way i sign today.

The image in the mirror change slowly, but gradually we would be shocked in one slip second: and ask ourself, my God, is this ME?

Thoughts of my son calls me home, I wish to put more words....small thoughts and delicate feelings, maybe unimportant but it will leave a small trace of my life, the soon be gone still youthful life.

What a shame it would be, one day when life has gone by, the only opportunity had been wasted, to live well and live fully, dreams nursed for a life time at the end still remains as DREAM. How sad it would be.

My son is the real sure creation i have made, and feel so steadily proud of. The rewards of parenting him is tremendous, he lightens my dream and stretch it further.
posted on 2008-05-08 17:43 Sunshine 万里长空 阅读(58) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏












  • 1. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Song: 去社区的CLSC都可以,就是社区clinique, 先问价格,太贵了就不要看了。还有就是可能要看你瞧的什么病,因为我只是要一个买药的处方而已,也许是因为这个价格不同的吧。
  • --万里长空
  • 2. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 请问你在哪个clinic看的?为什么我去开就收了我140,我现在也没有医疗卡。。
  • --Song
  • 3. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Olivia
  • --sunshinetian
  • 4. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 您好,我也是刚到加拿大来,我想问一下,找医生开这个药可以要求一次性多开几盒吗?
  • --Olivia
  • 5. re: 安“命”
  • 思考太多的人很难笃定去信, 不如信自己吧. trust yourself to make the best of things.
  • --kangma

