Fitting in Fitness 每天生活中穿插一些健身运动
Simple steps add up
Did you know you benefit from even small amounts of moderate activity throughout the day? Regular physical activity is easier to fit in than you may realize and can significantly lower your lifetime risk for cancer – and heart disease and diabetes, too.
知道吗,即使是少量的温和锻炼也会让你受益。在生活中安插锻炼也许并不像你想象的那么难,而如果能长期坚持, 将会大大降低自己的健康风险, 减少自己一生中得癌的机会。
You’ll find the American Cancer Society’s physical activity guidelines for adults and children below. These recommendations are based on the latest scientific information to help reduce the risk of developing cancer. Read on for ways to fit in fitness that may surprise you, then learn how many calories are burned in common activities and exercises. 参见下面美国癌症协会给成人和儿童制定的健身活动指南。这些建议基于最新的科学研究信息,旨在降低人们得癌风险。看看可以如何把健身融入生活,保持健康也许比你想得要容易。下表中也列出卡洛里消耗量。
ACS Physical Activity Guidelines
Adults: Get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, above usual activities, on 5 or more days of the week; 45 to 60 minutes of intentional physical activity on 5 or more days per week is preferred. 成人每天至少30分钟温和或高强度的锻炼,至少一周5天;或者45-60分钟有目的的体育锻炼, 至少一周5天。
Children and adolescents: Get at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 5 days per week. 孩子和青少年: 每天60分钟温和或高强度的体育锻炼,至少每周5天。
Moderate activity is anything that makes you breath as hard as you do during a brisk walk. During moderate activities, you'll notice a slight increase in heart rate and breathing, but you may not break a sweat. 何谓温和锻炼? 任何让你像快步走时那样有些气喘嘘嘘的锻炼。温和锻炼时心跳会稍稍加快,呼吸也会比平日更急促一些,但是并不一定会出汗。
Vigorous activities are performed at a higher intensity and generally engage large muscle groups. They cause a noticeable increase in heart rate, faster breathing, and sweating. 何谓高强度锻炼?一般来说活动强度大, 会调动身体许多部分的肌肉群。心跳明显加快,呼吸急促,出汗。
Other beneficial activities include those that improve strength and flexibility such as weight lifting, stretching, or yoga. 其他有益的锻炼项目包含改善身体柔韧性和强度的练习, 比如举重,身体拉伸的柔韧练习,瑜伽等。
Examples of moderate and vigorous physical activities
Exercise and leisure
休闲健身活动 |
Walking, dancing, leisurely bicycling, ice skating, roller skating, horseback riding, canoeing, yoga
散步,跳舞,休闲骑车,滑冰,溜冰,骑马,独木舟,瑜伽。 |
Jogging or running, fast bicycling, circuit weight training, aerobic dance, martial arts, jumping rope, swimming
慢跑,跑步,快速骑车,重量练习,跳有氧操,武术,跳绳,游泳。 |
Volleyball, golfing, softball, baseball, badminton, doubles tennis, downhill skiing
排球, 高尔夫球,垒球,棒球,羽毛球,双打网球,滑雪 |
Soccer, field or ice hockey, lacrosse, singles tennis, racquetball, basketball, cross-country skiing
足球,曲棍球,单打网球,壁球,篮球,越野滑雪 |
Mowing the lawn (push mower), general lawn and garden maintenance, vacuuming the house
修剪草坪,花园护养,吸尘 |
Digging, carrying and hauling, masonry, carpentry
挖掘,人力搬运,泥瓦匠,木工 |
Occupational activity
职业活动 |
Walking and lifting as part of the job (custodial work, farming, auto or machine repair)
步行,举起重物,监护工作,机械维修,农牧, |
Heavy manual labor (forestry, construction work, fire fighting)
重体力劳动(森林工人,建筑工人,消防员) |
Active substitutions
Don’t think you have time to add physical activity to your day? Consider simple substitutions. Think about how much time you spend sitting, versus being active. Are there ways to replace sitting with moving? 是不是觉得自己没法挤出时间锻炼? 想想以下替代方法,想想你一天花了多少时间坐着不动, 又花了多少时间运动?For instance:
- Use stairs rather than an elevator. 走楼梯, 别坐电梯
- Walk or bike to your destination. 步行或骑车去你要去的地方
- Exercise at lunch with your workmates, family, or friends. 午休时间和同事,朋友家人一起锻炼
- Take a 20-minute exercise break at work to stretch or take a quick walk. 工作间隙休息20分钟,做点儿拉伸练习或者来回走动一下。
- Walk to visit co-workers instead of sending an email.走到同事跟前去沟通, 而不是发电邮
- Go dancing with your spouse or friends. 和朋友或配偶跳跳舞
- Plan active vacations, rather than driving trips. 计划假期时多安排些活动, 不要开车
- Wear a pedometer every day to increase your daily steps. 每天带着计步器,看看自己一天走了多少路,有意识增加每天的步行数
- Join a sports or recreation team. 参加一个运动或休闲活动团队
- Use a stationary bicycle or treadmill while watching TV. 买个健身自行车或跑步机, 边看电视边健身
No matter what kind of activity you choose, the important thing is to get moving. Try to fit in at least 30 minutes of exercise on 5 or more days of the week, and look for other opportunities to be active throughout the day. 不论你选择何种运动方式, 关键是让身体“动起来”。试着每周至少运动5天,每天30分钟,每天都刻意寻找些机会让身体动起来。
posted on 2011-09-07 15:16
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