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In Montreal, you can not beat the view from the top of Mont Royal. The hill slowly sloped to grounds, streets, with its tall trees densely spread all over. The beautiful curve of the platform on the top of Mont Royal make it looks like the deck of boat, and looking far ahead from the top your eyes would meet the skyline where it meets the earth. The sky and the earth mingled in yellowish brown glowing with mellow lights and blue mist. In between is the city, Montreal. The city occupied the vast space between the far away glowing mysterious place where sky and earth mingle, and the stone wall in front your body and the hard rock paved ground under your feet. The view is remarkable, breath taking, lovely, pretty...all the expression the people used seems to pale out in front of it’s reality. I observed the vast metropolitan city spread in front of me, I saw the small cars and small people, and the medium sized high buildings and low roofs, and I thought about the life and soul carried in eath of these people, and the life and soul hidden behind each window and door, behind each glasses tinted or thickened, and behind each various clothe style and material, and I wondered, how people live in real life feel self to be so large, as if it could swallow the whole universe. Indeed we are so small, such small mini creatures could amazingly carry so much love, pain, dream, sadness, it’s the emotions that seems to fill up the universe. Our small fragile human body, busied about here and there, wanted this and that, heart sweeten and heart broken, consumed constantly, ceaselessly, tirelessly by emotions. Would life be much lighter, easier, if we don’t bear so much emotions, no love, no fear, no anger, no sadness, no dreams no depression , no illusions no disillusions, just live, like a tree, like a plant. Perhaps then we would live much longer, but how boring it would be, to be touched by nothing, to feel nothing. Bleeds, wounds, inside out, sweetness, bitterness, bittersweetness, all the flavors mixed and mingled into one, called “the taste of life”. Which is a complex and a complication, constantly changing its formulations, never purely sweet or bitter, never purely happy or sad, never stable in its chemical, but ever so delicious. If there is any doubt, just look at how crowded earth is, with plenty of being fear of death, giving everything to linger around longer on earth.
posted on 2014-05-12 23:39 Sunshine 万里长空 阅读(205) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏












  • 1. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Song: 去社区的CLSC都可以,就是社区clinique, 先问价格,太贵了就不要看了。还有就是可能要看你瞧的什么病,因为我只是要一个买药的处方而已,也许是因为这个价格不同的吧。
  • --万里长空
  • 2. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 请问你在哪个clinic看的?为什么我去开就收了我140,我现在也没有医疗卡。。
  • --Song
  • 3. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Olivia
  • --sunshinetian
  • 4. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 您好,我也是刚到加拿大来,我想问一下,找医生开这个药可以要求一次性多开几盒吗?
  • --Olivia
  • 5. re: 安“命”
  • 思考太多的人很难笃定去信, 不如信自己吧. trust yourself to make the best of things.
  • --kangma

