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Like a donkey we labor in life, always being pulled back, by the weight that we have to carry in order to survie, by the past path we walked.

Like a guiding dog, we are always pulled back, one step behind by the host. We are the dog that was pulled back, and we are the host that wanted to advance forward. The past casts a long shadow, in which we march toward the future. Past always follows us, chasing us. For past is our identiy, our evidence of life being lived.

Each moment of now, turns into a past, each past, forms and shapes Now. Who are we really? Are we just an accumulation of the past events? Are we just like a water bottle to be filled in passively, a simple storage for whatever droped? Or that we could be actively involved, like a wooden barrel, serves not merely a storage purpose but also a processing utisil, in which when grape juice are poured, it ferments it, ripened it, and add favor to it?

Life is full of strikes, sometimes gentle, sometimes violent, totally unpredictable. What we need to do while being striken, is to turn ourselves into the kind of instruement that produce beautiful sound after being striken. We respond by trembling, by enduring the strike, but with grace and beauty.

Life is not a journey to be passed, but to be appreciated. Take in each scene that pass our eyes, indulge a moment, but then move on forward, with fresch eyes widely open, for new discovery of life`s great purpose and small joy.

Some people find it hard to let go of the past, and some past are hard to let go. Past hunts like a ghost, it creeps in, and chills you out. Some people find it hard to let go of a hard past, for they feel like a victim, controled and hurt by the past. They return there constantly,  like an addiction, whaling helplessly. But forget not, if we choose to victimise ourselves through our past, who had commited the crime? Non others than the victim itself. The victim chose to `go`there, to turn onself a victim, and over yet again to feel pain and hurt.   So called `relive the past" can be compulsive, for the ghosty past exists on what we feed them - momories get reinforced through repeated `mental visits`.

Certain people relive certain past, if one wants to relive a good moment, one would choose to `visit` the happy past, if one wants to relive a hard past, one choose to visit the sad past. People often felt they have no choice of what past they relive, but it is not true. The past can not be all bad, even in a bad past there are good moments, and in a good past there are bad moments, the choices are made by oneself, consciously or uncosciouly.

You would wonder, why would anyone choose to relive a painfully sad past? Past offers a certainy, sad or happy, you knew certain of the past. But the obscurity of future is scary, and the moment of now is intiminating. Now is like a vast gap  with its many possibilities. One easy chosen activity of Now is to `relive`the past. It`s an effective activity so as to successfuly `escape`Now, also guaranted to avoid facing the obscurity of future, thus sad or happy, the past is a secure place to be. And once past, it is easy to twisted in deformation or gild it with gold.

Time passes, no matter what one does. People carry the past like an ever-heavier luggage. But from time to time, we have to loose the burden off the laboring donkey, otherwise it will break its back. From time to time, we need to brush off the burden of the past by turning into Now. Every moment of now, is giving birth to a `new`past.  

Won`t life be easier if one could let go of the past? At least lighter, without the constant burden of the past.

 Is there really such a thing as `relive`the past? No, it`s just a runway to escape `Now`. One can not relive the past because `past`is literally impossible to be relived. Can you redream the same dream you just had? No. You have the memory of it, but it`s impossible to re-enter the same dream.

Some people didn`t choose to return the past volunteerly, instead they felt the past draws them`in`like a whirlpool, it just pulls relentlessly, bit by bit, deeper and deeper. The trick to avoid being `swallowed` up by past? To be alarmed awalys, whenever you come to the edge, when you sensed the whirlpool of past is sucking you in, and turn away and stride as far as possible.

The mentra for avoiding falling into the past, is repeatedly telling oneself:`The past is dead. `What can you do about death? Acceptation. Crying, tears, denial, complaination or accusation, eventually you tried all and found none works, except acceptation.

Acceptation is a surrender to reality, to life. To things we can not change, we surrender, we accepter.

Some people see surrendering as being weak, yes, humain beings are weak. But it`s only possible to be strong after we have made peace with our weakness.  And same as fight the past, we are doomed to lose if we are always at war with past. To live a better future is only possible after having made peace with our past. 

Surrender is not a shame, but a grace of life. 
posted on 2014-03-11 02:03 Sunshine 万里长空 阅读(106) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

该文被作者在 2014-03-12 08:45 编辑过











  • 1. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Song: 去社区的CLSC都可以,就是社区clinique, 先问价格,太贵了就不要看了。还有就是可能要看你瞧的什么病,因为我只是要一个买药的处方而已,也许是因为这个价格不同的吧。
  • --万里长空
  • 2. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 请问你在哪个clinic看的?为什么我去开就收了我140,我现在也没有医疗卡。。
  • --Song
  • 3. re: 加拿大买药记
  • @Olivia
  • --sunshinetian
  • 4. re: 加拿大买药记[未登录]
  • 您好,我也是刚到加拿大来,我想问一下,找医生开这个药可以要求一次性多开几盒吗?
  • --Olivia
  • 5. re: 安“命”
  • 思考太多的人很难笃定去信, 不如信自己吧. trust yourself to make the best of things.
  • --kangma

