If you found a bundle of tangled thread, and you don't know where is the beginning or where is the end, and you don't see you could sort it out neatly back to order. What would you do? You cast it in rubbish bin or take a scissor and cut it off clean. But what if you find these tangled threads in your head?
How do you cast them off to a rubbish bin or cut it off neatly?
We weave such tangled threads in our head all the time. One thought appears, it goes in one direction and then another, it went round and round, and then another thought appears, and it went in a different direction and up and down, and then the third, fourth thoughts....finally, we found our head a messed nestle, made of twined and twisted thoughts, such as lingering sadness, abiding affection, softness, hardness, dreams, hopes, realities.
We were taught many things about life at school, but never really a course teaches us about life itself. We learned counting, adding up and minus since we were small, but in real life, it is as if useless. We could not make the simplest math, nor the simplest adding up or minus. Math is all logic, but life is not.
What is life really? What are the components of life?
Time is the foundation of time, like earth is the foundation to all high rise building. Without time, there is no life.
Skills to live, are considered one of the most important things, skills to survive is essential to our existence, without which we would be physically disabled to continue to live a comfortable life. Skills that are employable gives us a better chance to find a better job, and a better job means some sort of security, a constant inflow of money for example, for to live we constantly see money flow out in change for essential things and none essential things. Skills guaranteed that we are being provided, and we felt relaxed when surrounded with comforting things.
But life is more than this.
In the middle of the body there is the engine of the body machine, the heart. It beats, it beats, and it beats, around 60 times each minute, sometimes faster, sometimes slower. But aside from the beats, it's believed it's the sensory of emotions. Love, hatred, happy, sad, all sorts of human emotions.
Scientifically it's proven that it's the brain that picks up electro signals which was interpreted as feelings, but we still say "My heart is bleeding. My heart is broken."
Heart has a beautiful shape, and we loved the romantic idea that the heart Feels, the brain Thinks. We like to conceive it this way with a reason. For the brain and the heart are sometimes found in conflicts. When the brain and the heart fights, we don't know what to do, which side shall we aid? Do we want the brain win? Or do we want the heart win? Here "brain" and "heart" is more of a symbolic name than literary.
Heart and brain are like two twin brother, of same weight and height, let's say it hard to say which is stronger. And they live under the same "roof", so they fight daily, sometimes the brain win, sometimes the heart win, sometimes they are both injured, but only the heart that feels hurt and bleed. The brain, it's cold on emotional, when it lose it thinks only on how to fight back and win back next time, it surrender sometimes, but never groom or weep.
Perhaps you would say the heart is too weak, because the heart is always pestered with emotions, it weeps, it bleeds, it breaks, it cheers, up or down, low or high, it's never quiet. And the brain, always logic, methodically, sometime lost its battle to the weak heart. Why? Because when the heart find a noble dream to believe in, it fights harsh and hard, it goes relentless to obtain its goal, it gets illogically strong, calm, patient, and unrealistically persistent. It wins, not always, but even if it lose, it will rest at peace. For the heart, peace comes from trying and knowing, not from winning and gaining.
People all have these two "twin brothers" living inside their body, guiding them in different directions constantly. Rarely there are people who follow and support one only, often we change our sides, we are loyal supporter to neither. Artists tend to support more of their heart, while scientifically trained people prefers to trust their brain.
Which of the two do you support more? Do you listen to your brain or follow your heart more? The trouble is, when you listen to both, but decide for non.
posted on 2014-03-12 04:40
Sunshine 万里长空 阅读(181)
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