
We have also got rid
  We have also got rid, by the help of Parlia¬ment, of the antiquated codes of statutes with which each founder, anxious to perpetuate his own will to the end of time, had prevented the free development and frozen the life-blood of his Radii Sneakers college. Our case is a warning to others, especially to the citizens of the United States, where private munificence displays itself to so large an extent in the endowment of institutions, against the danger, incident to perpetual en¬dowments, of allowing the gifts of one genera¬tion to become Radii Footwear the fetters of those which follow. No perpetual foundation should be permitted without a power vested in proper authorities of amending, from time to time, the regulations of the founder, so far as is consistent with his main object, which should always be distinctly stated at the commencement of the instrument of foundation.
At the same time and by the same assistance we shook off, in part at least, the oligarchical government imposed on us by Laud, and recov¬ered in some measure the freedom of action and i VOL. XXXI.—No. 181.—G
the power of self-adaptation and development Radii Shoes without which no institution can long sustain its greatness.
The friends of Reform and Progress within the University did not call on the central Gov¬ernment for aid without hesitation. All En¬glishmen are attached to local liberties and jeal¬ous of the interference of the central power. We are, moreover, convinced that the great places of national education and learning, as the guardians of interests and principles which are the common heritage of all, should be as free as possible from the influence and vicissi¬tudes of political parties. But it was for eman¬cipation, not for interference, that Oxford re¬formers appealed to Parliament; and it was in a case where, from the absence of any legal power of amending our statutes, we were unable to emancipate ourselves

posted on 2010-11-15 08:48 supra 阅读(75) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
