
Truly, returned Bella

Truly, returned Bella, it must try you very much, and—you must please promise me that you wont take ill what I am going to add, Mr. Rokesmith?
1 promise it with all my heart
— And it must sometimes, I should think, said Bella, hesitating, a little lower you in your own estimation ?
Assenting with a movement of his head, though not at all looking as if it did, the Secre¬tary replied:
1 have very strong reasons, Miss Wilfer, for bearing with the drawbacks of my position in the house we both inhabit. Believe that they are not all mercenary, although I have, through a series of strange fatalities, faded out Supra Shoes of my place in life. If what you see with such a gracious and good sympathy is calculated to rouse ray pride, there are other considerations (and those you do not see) urging me to quiet endurance. The latter are by far the stron¬ger.
1 think I have noticed, Mr. Rokesmith, said Bella, looking at him with curiosity, as not quite making him out, that you repress your¬self, and force yourself, to act a passive part.
You are right. I repress myself and force myself to act a part. It is not in tameness of spirit that I submit. I have a settled purpose.
And a good one, I hope, said Bella.
And a good one, I hope, he answered, looking steadily at her.
Sometimes I have fancied, Sir, said Bella,
turning away her eyes, that your great regard for Mrs. Boffin is a very powerful motive with you/
You are right again; it is. I would do any thing for her, bear any thing for her. There are no words to express how I esteem that good, good Supra Footwear woman.
As I do toot May I ask Supra Sneakers you one thing more, Mr. Rokesmitb?
Any thing more.

posted on 2010-11-17 22:57 supra 阅读(87) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏
