
Posted on 2007-07-24 17:48 testest123 阅读(137) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 生活点滴
昨天心情特好,心血来潮,亲自动手拿出私家的一瓶红葡萄酒做了一Jug Sangria 给 朋友今天品尝。。
呵呵 一边听着他们的compliments 一边看着他们喝得很陶醉的样子 心里面真的很满足 = )
我几乎是很少很少很少很少罕有的会去做食物给人品尝 (因为,我根本就不下厨=P
因为这次做得很认真,而且选用的Material 都是尚好的
所以做出来的sangria 是成深紫红色的 味道醇正 丝丝入扣 气味浓郁 很成功
比起restaurant 都好喝 哈 哈 ( 我先得意的笑一会儿) 因为restaurant 很多时候加的是苏打水和糖

Sangria 中文翻译 为桑格利亚汽酒,也是香港人说的水果宾治的一种

Sangría is a wine punch. which originated in Spain. It typically consists of

  • a red wine
  • chopped or sliced fruit
  • a sweetener such as honey
  • a small amount of added brandy, triple sec or other spirits

Sangria 是一种传统的Spaish party drinks.每个西班牙餐厅都会有自己配治的sangria
现在Sangria 已经成为一种全世界流行的party drinks.

Sangria is based on the traditional red wine punch popular across europe for hundreds of years. The punch base would be claret, i.e. Bordeaux wine from France. Brandy and fruit would be added to the punch for flavor. In the 1700s and 1800s, Claret Cup Punch could be found at parties of all sizes.

Every restaurant has its own sangria recipe - typically a mix of wine, brandy and fresh fruits, served over ice. It's one of the most individualistic drinks on the market. Don't just buy a mix at the store - have fun and create your own! Sangria's appeal is all about taking your favorite red wine, your favorite fruits, and experimenting with them.

Sangria is a red wine punch, although it can also be made with white wine - it is then known as 'Sangria Blanco'. Sangria was originally created in Spain with Rioja and other Spanish reds. Soon, however, the Cava-producing area adopted a sparkling white version. In the south of Spain Sangria is called zurra, and is created with peach or nectarine.

Sangria is typically created from red wine, fruit juices, soda water, fruit and sometimes brandy. When making your own Sangria, use a good quality red wine, and be sure to let it chill overnight. Use Rioja to get the authentic Spanish flavor, but definitely choose something you like - you're the one drinking it! In the morning, pour into a pitcher full of ice cubes, garnish with fresh fruit, and enjoy.

In a bar,pub or restaurant, sangría is often served in 1-litre pitchers or other containers large enough to hold a bottle of wine plus the added ingredients. A lid or other strainer for the container helps prevent the fruit and ice cubes from being served. In informal social gatherings, sangría is often served like punch, from a punchbowl

我做的是最经典的Fruity Sangrias --------- Apple Oringe Sangria
1,用了我整整一瓶Louis Jadot Beaune  Chateau de Julienas, 这是我柜子里最好的一瓶红酒
2,首先将从Marks&Spencer 买回来的最好的两个苹果和橙3个 切成 small cubes 放入大的玻璃容器(瓶装)
3,然后倒入红葡萄酒和几short Henessy XO
4,用保鲜纸将瓶子密封, 放在冰箱整整一个晚上加一个大半天
6,下午拿出来打开的时候 香气宜人 红酒由原来的红色变成了深紫红色
7,倒了一点出来试味 呵呵 好甜啊 根本 就不用加什么 sugar ,honey
8,停留在味蕾上 很smooth
9,加入好多ice cube 和 凭个人 不同的口味 让他们自己加入不等量的lemonade
10,做出来 好漂亮啊  大家说说笑笑 一个下午 很快就 喝完了呵呵 下次 做就做多一点 吧
最适合夏天 朋友聚会的 时候 用来款待
呵呵 cheers~
(今天收到Bonny的来信,好高兴啊,我的生活又有了新的希望,有朋友在身边支持 真好 我想回家了~~~  。。)
