On diet day 8

Posted on 2007-07-24 15:56 testest123 阅读(53) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 生活点滴

the food i ate today
6 pieces chicken nuggets 250 calories

Total Fat 15.0g 23%
Saturated Fat 3.0g 15%
two small slice apple pies at least 400calories or more
carrots soup 70 calories ono
3 cup of english tea with semi skim milk 25x3=75
in total :795 Kcal ono
Marlboro light (7)

apple Calories 65
carrots 125g Calories 52

1 pound = 453.592 g = 差不多 1斤

It takes 3,500 calories to equal one pound of body weight.  Generally, dieters dump an average of 1,000 calories per day in an effort to lose 2 pounds of body fat per week

As a note, you should never go below 1,200 calories per day without your doctor's approval. If you are in need of losing a lot of weight, you may require more calories, so you'll definitely need to check in with your doctor before proceeding on any diet plan.

i should consume about 1200 calories a day to reach my goal weight XXkgs.! This is at a reasonable weight loss average of 0.4 kgs per week, which should be reached by May 18, 2007.this estimate result was calculated by computer is based on my body weight, height, age, gender, and activity level.
it's a long time for me .. i want a short cut!! i should create a daily diet plan everyday before i jump in my bed. Then i must complied the plan to eat in next day. Thus, i won't  eat disorder .Everything i eat will be calculated in calories.

RDI (RDA) recommended daily allowance (intake)

Food labeling reference tables

For people 4 years or older, eating 2000 Calories per day:


Total Fat 65 g
Saturated fatty acids 20 g
Cholesterol 300 mg
Sodium 2400 mg
Potassium 4700 mg
Total carbohydrate 300 g
Fiber 25 g
Protein 50 g
