Posted on 2007-07-24 15:35
testest123 阅读(51)
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My Vogue
好的东西要大家 分享 , 这是一篇 article 发表在 <<Red>>上的, 看了觉得挺有用的, 索性 就一边看一边type 下来 =)
a useful piece
Fancy having a teenage stomach again ? it's within your reach , with our simple tips for a worthy waist -- by kim parker
1. Banish Bloat
Top nutritionist Monica Grenfell author of the New 5 Days To a Flatter Stomach, advise eating plenty of easily digested foods such plain bio yoghurt, eggsand oats before baring all on the beach . " they are more friendly than foods such as broccoli, mushrooms and onions , which can cause bloating " Choose leafy greens over root vegetable and be wary of skins on apples , pears and plums as they are healthy but contain indegestible fibre , which cause wind . restrict high fibre foods ti the evening and cut them out totally 24 hours before you want to show of you cures.
2. Mind your manners
It may sound obvious, but boltng food is the worst thing you can do for your digestion. "even if u eliminate high fibre foods from your diet, if u eat the wrong way u'll still be bloated"Learn to chew slowly and enjoy what u r eating, try not to eat when u r stressed out!!!( i just done it on that way today!)don't have seconds and make sure u don't leave long gaps in between meals . if u r starving , u 're more likely to gulp down your food - which guarantees a pot belly."bloating can also be caused by the inability to break down proteins called amylases which are found in foods such as soya, bean and lentils " ( should be aware !!) Taking a supplement that contains the enzyme glucoamylase once or twice daily may help to remedy this.Alternatively , try boosting the good bacteria in ur digestive system.
3. Get on the ball
"swiss ball exercise help to open the hip area when doing crunches , allowing the abdominal musles to work more fully"
To train up flabby abs, place ur feet flat on the floor and put the ball under ur back for support . rest ur hands behind ur head and curl ur body upwards into a sitting position. ....( i am considering ... mernnnn i may need a swiss ball when i can settle down.. good idea!)
4. Tone at ur desk
Lynne Roberts, advocates the Pilates principle (what's that?) of strengthening ur natural "girdle" muscles- the transversus abdominis - to sculpt a leaner silhouette. "you can work on this sitting at ur desk , with a movement called "zip up and hollow" Breath in and draw urself up . Breath out . pull up ur pelvic floor muscles as if trying to stop urself mid- flow when on the loo. Scoop in ur tummy muscles and try to raise the navel close to the spine, inhale and release . No one will know u 're doing it ! lol
5. Push - ups
Dean Hodgkin , recommends the three - stage "plank" position to help whittle ur waist. Lie stomach down on a mart or rug . supporting ur upper body with ur forearms. Next draw ur shoulder blades back and down to life ur chest away from ur forearms, pull in ur tummy really tight, draw ur navel towards ur spine and raise ur midsection from the floor. Finally , tuck ur toes under and lift ur lower body up so that ur entire weight is resting on ur forearms and the balls of ur feet.
6. See a nutritionist
Nutritionist believe that one in three of us may have a food intolerance, with wheat, grains and yeast cauasing the most problems. "it'd not uncommon to lose up to 7lb and reduce bloating simply be avoiding ur allergens " /check out
7. Tantric flex
8. Pole dance
9. Yogic trick