it's official: summer's good for u

Posted on 2007-07-24 15:35 testest123 阅读(50) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: My Vogue
1.Getting out at lunch is good for ur bones
The National Osteoporosis say a 15 minute stroll in the sun every day is all you need to " store" enough vitamin D for winter. this is the "sunshine"vitamin our bodies make from untraviolet rays, and it helps with calcium absorption and building building strong bones , Vitamin D is also in oil fish (herring, mackerel, salmon ), eggs, cheese , beef and fortified milk but the vitamin D ur body make is more effective.

2. Summer makes u frisky and boosts fertility . too
There's a definite rise in sexual interest in the summer months. SUnny day  help increase the production of the brain chemical serotonin, which raises our libido. also studies show that woman having fertility treatment are more likely to be successful in the summer months.

3. The sun can actually protect you from cancer
Nobody's suggesting u fry for hours, but US studies hace found women in sunny states like Florida have a decreased risk of dying from breast cancer ( by up to 65%) . The protective effect is thought to be linked to vitamin D, and can prevent cancer cell growth in ovarian and colon cancers , Doctors now think the exposure outweigh the risk of skin cancaer.

4. Got a sniffle coming on , get outdoors.
our immune systems rely in vitamin D - research shows it helps prevent infections such as colds. You can also boost ur immune system by exercising and eating summer fruits ( such as berries and kiwis)

5. Going on sunny holiday when u are prenant its good for you and ur unborn baby
Vitamin D is required in the last three months of pregnancy  to help the baby's brain develop , if the mother's levels of the vitamin are low , the child could be at greater risk of being schizophrenic research  has founf that babies born between February and April are 10% more likely  to be sufferers. Supplement  aren't the answer as they may cause birth defects, so getting outside and eating vitamin D- rich food is a safer option.

6. The sun will put u in a good mood - guaranteed
The brain products "feel- good " serotomin in relation to h
