Posted on 2007-07-24 15:01
testest123 阅读(48)
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boyfriend (nil) Marlboro lights (7)
the 13 things every woman should do before she's 30
1. Travel round Europe with a girlfriend ( DONE)
2.Live in NewYork (UNDONE)
3.Learn another language ( DONE, Cantonese, Hakka, English )
4.Work at a profession u have no intention of making a career out of (? UNDONE)
5.Raise a puppy (DONE!)
6.Do a cross-country road trip with a sibling (DONE, but with my best friend)
7.Perfect three songs to play at the piano ( UNDONE)
8.MOve somewhere where u know no one (DONE)
9.Make a christmas dinner that would impress ur mum (UNDONE)
10.Open a savings account (DONE)
11.Execute a huge act of forgiveness that u wouldn't have thought possible at 13 (DONE, i forgave him)
12.Fall madly, head-over-heels in love (DONE)
13.Get your heart broken beyond repair and learn that u can survive it (DONE!!i m getting stronger by my own)
这13件事情 是Hollywood 当红女星 Jennifer Garner 列出来的
到目前为止,我完成了9项,还有其中的4件事情没完成。。分别是 (2,4,7,9)
这是一个很有意思的 to - do - list