我的Newcastle - 4 伦敦Heathrow Airport (上)

Posted on 2007-07-25 09:33 testest123 阅读(101) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 我的Newcastle

上了飞机,空姐把我带到我的座位。没上飞机之前,就一直希望 自己可以坐在一个靠窗的位子(window seat),这样可以在起飞的时候俯视地面的村庄和楼房,还有窗外的云朵。呵呵。因为是第一次坐飞机,所以对窗子外面的天空会额外的惊奇;要不,或者自己可以坐到靠走道的位子(Aisle Seat)也好,这样自己可以出入自由,简而言之,上厕所都方便啊,呵呵。 老天保佑,千万别坐在中间(middle seat),那会郁闷死我的,像夹心饼干干一样,夹在中间十几个小时动弹不得。。

现在,才知道我当时的位子是真的不错, 我当时大概坐的就是4C这个位子,有more legroom .

according to 航空公司的报告也指出,这样的位子,也是属于best seat..

The safest seats in a plane are often over the wings in the exit
row (extra reinforcement). Exit row seats also provide more leg room.
But you must be physically capable of operating the emergency exit
(e.g., capable of lifting 40 to 50 pounds) and read/speak English
fluently. Children under age 15 and blind/disabled passengers cannot
sit in an exit row.  However, you can't reserve these seats, as the
airline personnel want to see the people they assign to these rows to
verify that they are physically able to open the emergency exit should
the occasion arise.  If you want a seat in the exit row, get to the
airport early on the day of the flight, and request an exit row seat.
Note that some of the exit row seats on some aircraft (e.g., MD-80 row
21 window seats) do not recline.

Aisle seats are better than window seats because:
   1.  You can get up and move around without having to climb over
       other people. On long flights you can get up for a stroll or to
       go to the bathroom without much of a bother.
   2.  There is more legroom (window seats aren't as wide, because
       they must fit into the curve of the plane).
   3.  You'll get off the plane faster, and have easy access to the
       overhead compartments.
   4.  You'll get a better view of the movie. (Depends on the
       aircraft, of course.)
   5.  You can chat with the flight attendants.
Window seats are better than aisle seats because:
   1.  You have a view, when it isn't cloudy. But the view may be
       limited to takeoff and landing, depending on the weather.
   2.  You've got something to lean against to sleep.
   3.  People don't elbow you, swing handbags/coats into your face, or
       spill drinks on you, like they do in aisle seats.
   4.  Other people don't have to climb over you.

Few people like middle seats because they have none of the benefits of
the window and aisle seats, and you get squooshed by passengers on
both sides (no elbow room).

实际上,这么多年来一直都还是很喜欢坐aisle seats, 每次check in 的时候,也都会和柜台的人要求。

坐在我旁边,也就是4A,4B位子的是一对挺nice的英国老人 =) .说出来不怕别人笑话,我当时真的不会fasten seat balt (belt)。坐到位子的时候,隔壁的老太太早早的就系好安全带坐在那里了,连一个模仿的机会都没有。。=P 然后坐在我隔壁的老太太 看到我年纪小(给我的外表给欺骗了,只是看起来年纪小一点而已),就很和蔼的帮我把我的安全带扣好,弄得我脸红得要命,从小就容易脸红,现在长大了,可能好了一些。。

当时的BA Boeing 747 并不像现在的每个位子上都安装了小屏幕电视,飞机只有在中间的那一行位子的前方墙上安装了大的电影屏幕,所以呢,我的那个位子要看飞机上的播放的movies是一件很伤脖子的事情。。

飞机终于take off 了..
之后,坐在4A位子的老头就开始一直兴致勃勃的用video camera 拍摄窗子外面的天空,还不时的小声解说。。 挺有意思
吃过飞机上提供的餐点后,自己就很乖的坐在那里一动也不敢动的,玩快译通上面的游戏“华容道”;伸长了脖子,好奇的看了会电影;然后,就沉沉的睡着了。手上一直拽着爸爸给我买的Mr.Smith 一个黄色的小人钥匙扣,爸爸说的,小孩子一个人出门在外,身上要带些小玩具和一根红线,这些精灵一样的东西会守护好小孩子,会保佑小孩子平平安安的,呵呵。。