Pope's funeral and Prince Charles's Royal Wedding

Posted on 2007-07-31 16:36 testest123 阅读(92) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 生活点滴
whatever happen ..

今早 从 8点多 就 开始 爬起来
打开电视, 看 pope 的 funeral 在Vatican St. Peter's square 的 直播。。

world mourns Pope John  Paul II at Rome funeral ...

The requiem Mass was watched by tens of thousands in the piazza, including about 200 world leaders, and many millions more around the world.

As the coffin was carried away from public view for the last time the bells of St Peter's tolled and the gathered pilgrims applauded, a traditional Italian mark of respect.

The three-hour ceremony was conducted by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, which will begin electing the Pope's successor on 18 April.

A book of the Gospels was opened and laid on top of the coffin. Then one by one the attending cardinals, all dressed in red, approached the altar and bowed before taking their places.

Among those attending the funeral were US President George W Bush, UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, French President Jacques Chirac and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who leads the world's largest Catholic country.

Iranian President Mohammad Khatami and Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei - both of them Muslims - also took part.

They joined an estimated 250,000 pilgrims packed into the piazza.

Huge crowds also gathered in the Polish city of Krakow, the city where John Paul II was cardinal before ascending to the papacy.

About one million people converged on one of the city's parks to watch the requiem Mass on a video screen

Almost every Pole has been given the day off work. Theatres, banks and supermarkets will be closed.


the royal wedding will take place tomorrow from 12am.