今天要和一个朋友出门去吃饭,突然想改变自己在他人心目中已成定式的punk (朋克)形象,就将自己橱柜里林林总总至少20 多双高跟鞋拿了出来,对着镜子show off。。

这些高跟鞋,每双至少有7-8cm 的超细跟, 有设计经典的,有的是现在流行的,各种颜色,都是我shopping的时候,看到了,喜欢,马上就买下的。重要的是大部分,从我买回来到现在都没穿出去过,最多的也只是穿过一次,就摆会橱柜了,平时都是穿球鞋比较多。

可见高跟鞋除了增加高度,更重要的因素是可以增进诱惑。国外的研究者们经研究发现, 高跟鞋使女人步幅减小,因为重心后移,腿部就相应挺直,并造成臀部收缩、胸部前挺,袅娜的韵致应运而生。长期穿着高跟鞋,女人的小腿会逐渐变细,大腿的脂肪在长期的紧张中会转变成富有弹性的肌肉,至于腰肢,则向着性感的方向发展. 这是为什么大多数的女人喜欢高跟鞋的原因. 更有些对其爱之若狂.

回国了, 我要准备一个大大的鞋柜。。。!!



posted @ 2007-07-24 15:54 testest123| 编辑 收藏

My dear friend,

Thank you for always being there for me.

这么多年来 你已经成为了我的一种习惯 你就像维生素C一样
对我来说  来英国这么多年里,  发生在我身上 最幸运的事情
不光是  完成了学业 拿到2等的好成绩 ,
不是 一个人逍遥自由的游历了 17,8个国家。。
而是 认识你  很高兴 也很幸福 呵呵  谢谢你  这么多年的照顾  (我当年的选择 没有 错误)
U r my friend for ever.

take care my friend =)
talk to u later.
God bless!


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:49 testest123| 编辑 收藏

HaPpY Valentine's daY!! xx



posted @ 2007-07-24 15:41 testest123| 编辑 收藏

今天是情人节 没出门 也不想出去 理由很简单 不想一个人孤苦伶仃的走在街上
就像迷失在一个陌生的世界里 一样 到处是那些 掉进蜜河里 甜蜜得可以飞起来的人儿
所以 我从来不在情人节那天出去shopping 
不过 还是收到了几个好友 “Happy Valentine's day " 的messages
早上 很早就起床了 呵呵
把 sevensea.com 送来的纸板 组装成纸箱 用他们送来的材料将 箱子底 封好
呵呵 天啊 好东西要收拾啊
过去读书时的那些笔记还有老师发的handout  一张张的 看过 然后再依依不舍地扔掉
不过还是把 一些重要的 model guides and exam papers留下来了
可能到时 报名ACCA的时候 要这些材料 希望我可以免考几科

还有 平时买的那些 fashion, 八卦magazines : <<Hello magazine>>, <<Red>>, <<Vanity Fair>>,<<Glamour>>,<<Now>>, <<Heat>>,<<Company>> <<Vogue>>,<<B>>,<<Q-Magazine>>..<< GRAZIA>>, <<COSMOPOLITAN>>全部装好。。
好几袋呢 好喜欢的
然后  搬到门外 扔进垃圾桶。。=(   扔书 是一件可耻的事情 disgraceful
当然了 我还有一堆的 全英 大大小小公司的Annual Reports 都是 很好的铜版纸 印刷品 也扔了
(公司的 Annual Report 能用用糟糕的纸吗?能印刷得马虎吗? 不可能了啦, 这些都是要分发给shareholders, potential investors, directors, CEO, board...) 特别是要上市的公司 或者是已经上市了的公司
在英国 做一份 annual report 除了包括internal auditor 的audit 外, 还包括 external auditor ( firms) 的report.
所以 出现假账的机率相对比较底 毕竟人家 的有相应的ethical code ,CAF, FRS,ICAS,IASC,ASB,SSAP,GAAP 制约着,
当然 也有过出现做假账的scandal ,天啊 我特地写过这方面的作业的 现在一点也不记得说什么了
stupid girl
我喜欢每到一个地方 就收集 当地的城市地图一张,明信片几张。
竟然 也收拾出了 两个袋子耶 满满的 毕竟是去过 17,8个国家的嘛 是国家不紧紧是城市哦
呵呵 好有成见感  因为这些都是我去过的地方
还有一小袋 的 key rings 真不知道 为什么 我这么喜欢收集key rings 到一个地方就买一个keyring  =P

今天还发生了一件不开心的小事。。 算了 不和那小孩子计较 因为 一直认为阿拉是一个很好很好的孩子 呵呵
肚子饿了   宝贝 去睡觉吧 明天 继续装箱  我要海运3个箱子呢 呵呵


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:40 testest123| 编辑 收藏

Saint Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is on February 14. It is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other; sending Valentine's cards or candy. It is very common to present flowers on Valentine's Day. The holiday is named after two men, both Christian martyrs named Valentine. The day became associated with romantic love in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished.

The day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Modern Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The U.S. Greeting Card Association estimates that approximately one billion valentines are sent each year worldwide, making the day the second largest card-sending holiday of the year behind Christmas. The association estimates that women purchase approximately 85 percent of all valentines.

In the United States, the marketing of Valentine's Day has tagged it as a "Hallmark holiday."

Chaucer's love birds

A portrait of English poet Geoffrey Chaucer by Thomas Hoccleve (1412). The earliest known link between Valentine's Day and romance is found in Chaucer's poetry.
A portrait of English poet Geoffrey Chaucer by Thomas Hoccleve (1412). The earliest known link between Valentine's Day and romance is found in Chaucer's poetry.

The first recorded association of Valentine's Day with romantic love is in Parlement of Foules (1382) by Geoffrey Chaucer

For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese [chose] his make [mate].

This poem was written to honor the first anniversary of the engagement of King Richard II of England to Anne of Bohemia A treaty providing for a marriage was signed on May 2, 1381 (When they were married eight months later, he was 13 or 14. She was 14.)

Chaucer's Parliament of Foules is generally set in a supposed context of an old tradition, in fact there was no such tradition before Chaucer. The speculative explanation of sentimental customs, posing as historical fact, had their origins among eighteenth-century antiquaries, notably Alban Butler, the author of Butler's Lives of Saints, and have been perpetuated even by respectable modern scholars. Most notably, "the idea that Valentin'e Day customed perpetuated those of the Roman Lupercalia has been accepted uncritically and repeated, in various forms, up to the present"

On the liturgical calendar, May 2 is the saints' day for Valentine of Genoa. This St. Valentine was an early bishop of Genoa who died around AD 307.Readers incorrectly assumed that Chaucer was referring to February 14 as Valentine's Day. However, mid-February is an unlikely time for birds to be mating in England.

Medieval and modern times

Swedish calendar showing St Valentine's Day, February 14, 1712
Swedish calendar showing St Valentine's Day, February 14, 1712

Using the language of the law courts for the rituals of courtly love, a "High Court of Love" was established in Paris on Valentine's Day in 1400. The court dealt with love contracts, betrayals, and violence against women. Judges were selected by women on the basis of a poetry reading.

The earliest surviving valentine dates from 1415. It is a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife. At the time, the duke was being held in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt

It is probable that the various legends about St. Valentine were invented during this period. Among these legends:

  • On the evening before Valentine was to be martyred for being a Christian, he passed a love note to his jailer's daughter that read, "From your Valentine."
  • During a ban on marriages of Roman soldiers by the Emperor Claudius II, St. Valentine secretly helped arrange marriages.

Valentine's Day is mentioned by the character Ophelia in Hamlet: "Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day."

In 1836, relics of St. Valentine of Rome were donated by Pope Gregory XVI to the Whitefriar Street Carmelite Church in Dublin, Ireland. In the 1960s, the church was renovated and relics restored to prominence.

In 1969, as part of a larger effort to pare down the number of saint days of purely legendary origin, the Church removed St. Valentine's Day as an official holiday from its calendar. February 14 is now dedicated only to Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius.


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:38 testest123| 编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-07-24 15:37 testest123| 编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-07-24 15:37 testest123| 编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-07-24 15:36 testest123| 编辑 收藏

1.Getting out at lunch is good for ur bones
The National Osteoporosis say a 15 minute stroll in the sun every day is all you need to " store" enough vitamin D for winter. this is the "sunshine"vitamin our bodies make from untraviolet rays, and it helps with calcium absorption and building building strong bones , Vitamin D is also in oil fish (herring, mackerel, salmon ), eggs, cheese , beef and fortified milk but the vitamin D ur body make is more effective.

2. Summer makes u frisky and boosts fertility . too
There's a definite rise in sexual interest in the summer months. SUnny day  help increase the production of the brain chemical serotonin, which raises our libido. also studies show that woman having fertility treatment are more likely to be successful in the summer months.

3. The sun can actually protect you from cancer
Nobody's suggesting u fry for hours, but US studies hace found women in sunny states like Florida have a decreased risk of dying from breast cancer ( by up to 65%) . The protective effect is thought to be linked to vitamin D, and can prevent cancer cell growth in ovarian and colon cancers , Doctors now think the exposure outweigh the risk of skin cancaer.

4. Got a sniffle coming on , get outdoors.
our immune systems rely in vitamin D - research shows it helps prevent infections such as colds. You can also boost ur immune system by exercising and eating summer fruits ( such as berries and kiwis)

5. Going on sunny holiday when u are prenant its good for you and ur unborn baby
Vitamin D is required in the last three months of pregnancy  to help the baby's brain develop , if the mother's levels of the vitamin are low , the child could be at greater risk of being schizophrenic research  has founf that babies born between February and April are 10% more likely  to be sufferers. Supplement  aren't the answer as they may cause birth defects, so getting outside and eating vitamin D- rich food is a safer option.

6. The sun will put u in a good mood - guaranteed
The brain products "feel- good " serotomin in relation to h


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:35 testest123| 编辑 收藏

好的东西要大家 分享 , 这是一篇 article 发表在 <<Red>>上的, 看了觉得挺有用的, 索性 就一边看一边type 下来 =)
a useful piece

Fancy having a teenage stomach again ? it's within your reach , with our simple tips for a worthy waist -- by kim parker

1. Banish Bloat
Top nutritionist Monica Grenfell  author of the New 5 Days To a Flatter Stomach, advise eating plenty of easily digested foods such plain bio yoghurt, eggsand oats before baring all on the beach . " they are more friendly than foods such as broccoli, mushrooms and onions , which can cause bloating " Choose leafy greens over root vegetable  and be wary of skins on apples , pears and plums as they are healthy but contain indegestible fibre , which cause wind . restrict high fibre foods ti the evening and cut them out totally 24 hours before you want to show of you cures.

2. Mind your manners
It may sound obvious, but boltng food is the worst thing you can do for your digestion. "even if u eliminate high fibre foods from your diet, if u eat the wrong way u'll still be bloated"Learn to chew slowly and enjoy what u r eating, try not to eat when u r stressed out!!!( i just done it on that way today!)don't have seconds and make sure u don't leave long gaps in between meals . if u r starving , u 're more likely to gulp down your food - which guarantees a pot belly."bloating can also be caused by the inability to break down proteins called amylases which are found in foods such as soya, bean and lentils " ( should be aware !!) Taking a supplement that contains the enzyme glucoamylase once or twice daily may help to remedy this.Alternatively , try boosting the good bacteria in ur digestive system.

3. Get on the ball
"swiss ball exercise help to open the hip area when doing crunches , allowing the abdominal musles to work more fully"
To train up flabby abs, place ur feet flat on the floor and put the ball under ur back for support . rest ur hands behind ur head and curl ur body upwards into a sitting position. ....( i am considering ... mernnnn i may need a swiss ball when i can settle down.. good idea!)

4. Tone at ur desk
Lynne Roberts,  advocates the Pilates principle (what's that?) of strengthening ur natural "girdle" muscles- the transversus abdominis - to sculpt a leaner silhouette. "you can work on this sitting at ur desk , with a movement called "zip up and hollow"  Breath in and draw urself  up . Breath out . pull up ur pelvic floor muscles as if trying to stop urself mid- flow when on the loo.  Scoop in ur tummy muscles and try to raise the navel close to the spine, inhale and release . No one will know u 're doing it ! lol

5. Push - ups
Dean Hodgkin , recommends the three - stage "plank" position to help whittle ur waist. Lie stomach down on a mart or rug . supporting ur upper body with ur forearms. Next draw ur shoulder blades back and down to life ur chest away from ur forearms, pull in ur tummy really tight, draw  ur navel towards ur spine and raise ur midsection from the floor. Finally , tuck  ur toes under and lift ur lower body up so that ur entire weight is resting on ur forearms and the balls of ur feet.

6. See a nutritionist
Nutritionist believe that one in three of us may have a food intolerance, with wheat, grains and yeast cauasing the most problems. "it'd not uncommon to lose up to 7lb and reduce bloating simply be avoiding ur allergens " /check out www.yorktest.com

7. Tantric flex

8. Pole dance

9. Yogic trick

10. alan-richardson.co.uk


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:35 testest123| 编辑 收藏

尽管 前几天 我有停止diet。加上 生理原因,体重明显上升。还因为是过年 , 经常和朋友出去吃饭,有alcohol 。而且, 有几天在家还外卖了pizza!! OG!
actually , i did try to cook some meal for myself.. but tasted really shit.. even myself ..i can not bear it anymore. then i put it into bin.
c'mon i must keep on diet.
morning - veg soup
lunch time - veg soup
dinner - two lovely chocolate 340 Kcal x2= 680 Kcal!!!
but tasted really gooo0d


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:32 testest123| 编辑 收藏

还是放弃吧~ 呵
妾本丝萝愿托乔木, 这是天生的, 命定的, 不能独立,不愿意独立,不想独立~

(on diet day 19, a can Pringle , 爬了40层楼,  two cups of soup, an apple)


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:28 testest123| 编辑 收藏

Do i hv to  change my current  va va voom life style after i go back china??
Va Va Voom!


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:26 testest123| 编辑 收藏

今天在家 闲得无聊 绕了个大圈 到超市 买了一盒cookie mix
和一些chocolate chip
回家 按照 盒子上面的说明
烘烤了 一盒 double chocolate cookies
整个厨房都是 牛油的 香味。。
朋友 都不敢相信 我也会下厨  做 甜点
还以为 我欺骗她, 拿从店里买回来的 cookie 偷天换日。。哼~
我不煮饭烧菜 并不代表我不会做啊 是吧~

(p.s. 我自己的口味有点淡, 我觉得今天的cookie 太甜了
我自己一个也没吃完。。。= P
而且, 有点脆了 不够有粘性  烘烤的时间 过长。。
虽然 cookie 的外形 颜色做出来 和 街上的 cookie 店买的一模一样
但我还是 可以 吃出 其中的 一点点 不同。。
下次 一定 改进 只能用 一个tablespoon 的water 去mix


posted @ 2007-07-24 15:25 testest123| 编辑 收藏




posted @ 2007-07-24 15:23 testest123| 编辑 收藏

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