2012年6月9日星期六 03:48-04:24
Growing: No Exception among Students and Teachers
This morning I woke up thinking of how to help students improve their learning in general and improve their English learning in particular.
After I started my computer, I first browsed 人民网 <http://www.people.com.cn/> and selected “浙江高考作文题引发热议 记者专访原文作者刘继荣” <http://zj.people.com.cn/n/2012/0608/c186327-17123162.html> to read since it is closely related to teaching and education.
The description of the author’s own growing as an ordinary mother is insightful: “最初也曾觉得,我是个普通妈妈,孩子要成为一个小超人,才会心愿得偿。可我这个家长也在成长中渐渐明白,不要把自己沉重的理想寄托在孩子身上,每个人都必须对自己的人生负责。”
Here, growing (成长) is a very important notion in her life. It has its significance in that growing is a natural process in the
development of integrated cognitive competence. There is no exception among students and teachers.