
We are friends for study, in study and of study.



Exploring the Developing Integrated Cognitive Competence (综合认知能力发展探究)

Session 2 (2)

Search for discovery in the unknown world (通过搜索在未知世界中有所发现)

Exploring the definitions of integrated cognitive competence:

 (1) Cognitive competence (Sachkompetenz) is defined as knowledge, skills and abilities that may be used in the specific occupation as well as transversally, and skills and abilities for mastering tasks and developing appropriate problem-solving strategies.

(2) According to Arthur, Hall and Lawrence (1989: 28), “General cognitive ability can be defined as the capacity for inductive and deductive reasoning and for insight, that is, the ability to discover patterns and interrelationships.

(3) Carroll takes cognitive ability as “any ability that concerns some ... class of tasks in which correct or appropriate processing of mental information is critical to successful performance”) (Carroll 1993, cited in Peacock, Ervin and Daly 2009: 50)

(4) Schmidt and Hunter point out that cognitive ability has been defined as intelligence or general mental ability (Schmidt and Hunter 1998, cited in Burke, Pierce and Salas 2006: 132).

(5) Guion: the abilities to perceive, process, evaluate, compare, create, understand, manipulate, or generally think about information and ideas (Guion, 1998, cited in Burke, Pierce and Salas 2006: 132).

(6) VanderBos: Cognitive ability is defined as “the skill of, or aptitude for, perception, learning, memory, understanding, awareness, reasoning, judgment, intuition, and language.") (VanderBos, 2007 cited in Lenski, Lenski and Lewis. 2008: 10).

(7) Graf and Kinshuk:  Cognitive abilities: Abilities to perform any of the functions involved in cognition whereby cognition can be defined as the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment (2008: 306).


Arthur, Michael B., Douglas T. Hall and Barbara S. Lawrence. 1989. Handbook of Career Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Burke, C. Shawn, Linda G. Pierce and Eduardo Salas. 2006. Understanding Adaptability: A Prerequisite for Effective Performance within Complex Environments. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.

Delamare, Francoise, Le Deist and Jonathan Winterton. 2005. What is competence? Human Resource Development International, 8(1), 27-46.

Graf, Sabine and Kinshuk. 2008. Technologies linking learning, cognition and instruction. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. J. G. van Merriënboer, and M. P. Driscoll (eds.). Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology 3rd ed. London: Routledge. 305-316.

Lenski, Susan, Susan Davis Lenski and Jill Lewis. 2008. Reading Success for Struggling Adolescent Learners. New York: Guilford Press.

Peacock, Gretchen Gimpel, Ruth A. Ervin and Edward J. Daly (eds.). Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st Century. New York: Guilford.


 Wu Benhu’s Definition of Integrated Cognitive Competence (吴本虎对综合认知能力的定义)

Wu Benhu’s definition of integrated cognitive competence (Version 1, 2010-10-06): Integrated cognitive competence is the unitary competence system with language competence as its core component accompanied by thinking competence, perception competence and memory competence.



Wu Benhu’s definition of integrated cognitive competence (Version 2, 2012-02-17): Integrated cognitive competence is the functionally collaborating competence system with language competence as its core component and thinking competence, perception competence and memory competence as its interacting components.


Wu Benhu: For the purpose of recording the processes of the exploration of the unknown world, we need to keep our research log. The following citation can support our effort in constructing the research log:


Course work 2: Respond to the following question:

How can we develop our creative learning ability by promoting our integrated cognitive competence? (Or you may write something on your own topic related to the theme 'integrated cognitive competence'.)



The 2nd course work is required to be presented before 14:00, February 23, 2012. (第一次课程作业的上传期限为201222314:00之前。)



posted on 2012-02-18 08:56 吴本虎 阅读(972) 评论(2)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 综合认知能力发展探究2012春












