Posted on 2005-12-03 10:13
海阔天空 阅读(261)
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It was interesting to me even to see the cultural differences between Entebbe and Kisoro. The way the women tie their kikoya wraps is unique to the region, as is the basket style |
I had to upload this to petridish instead so it would dance for Paulina |
This area, Kisoro, is right at the base of Mount Gahinga, and the gorillas used to come here in their feeding range. They no longer come here, but it's still a gorgeous area |
Chris and Felicia, who run the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project, have three dogs and an Eastern Lowland Gorilla, the latter of which is set to go to a sanctuary as soon as one is created. One of their dogs is crippled, and he actually gets along the best with the gorilla.
They brought the crippled dog a wheelchair from the US. So it tools around. It's sort of sad, but also cute. |

Connecting on a Deeper Level

Submissive Grooming (aka Getting to Know You)

How sad when the most prominent paper in Uganda, famous for its Mountain Gorillas makes such a crucial typo. But I'm glad that we're conserving guerillas and offering them veterinary care. |
Ben and I saw this sign and just giggled. |
ICCN in Goma wanted us to use this (probable ex-crater) island as the new Chimpanzee Sanctuary in DRCongo. Of course, it's tiny, horseshoe-shaped, covered in crops, deforested and cliffish on the outside. No thanks! |

This priest cracked me up. He's wearing the official priest-jacket, except it's NEON YELLOW AND PINK. I'd never seen anything like it!