September 23

Posted on 2009-09-23 21:20 antary 阅读(76) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: In Su's day心聲只言片语
Also bought two tickets, this thing would definitely be going home.
Was quite miss her, but did not long ago so heavy, and with a number of methods can be a good distraction, but also received some success. Hope that we can get out of this whirlpool of emotions should not depression.
The date of separation has been finalized next month's 16, has been less than a month, and hope that we can handle the work of the transfer of a clear head, and then be able to leave almost as compelling.
While walking one before or want to see her, but thought she would come to work on the 7th, and do not know how to deal with, and perhaps long-term control at the time will have to fall short of. I will try to control, like an adult to think the same problems, I think she do not like me, like the previous several of my colleagues, but it is proved that she was a good, attractive girl.
Thinking of ways to forget her, never again to mention her!



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