


hat all men ar creat equal. bui moncler "i have a dream that on dai on the red hill of georgia the sonsof former slave and the son of former slaveown will be ableto sitweight loss down togeth at a tabl of brotherhood.i have a dream that on dai even the state of mississippi, adesert state, swelter with the heat of injustic andoppression, will be transform into an oasi of freedom andjustice.

i have a dream that my four children will on dai live in anat where thei will not be judg by the color of their skinbut by the content of their character. Weeds dvd

i have a dream today.i have a dream that on dai the state of alabama, moncler men whosegovernor' lip ar present drip with the word ofinterposit and nullification, will be transform into

everyhil and mountain shall be made low,asitu where littl black boi and black girl will be ableto join hand with littl white boi and white girl and walktogeth as sister and brothers.i have a dream today. armband silber i have a dream that on dai everi vallei shall be exalted. the rough place will bemad plain, and the crook place will be made straight, andth glori of the lord shall be revealed, mulberri oslo and all flesh shall seeit together.thi is our hope. thi is the faith with which i return to thesouth.


posted on 2010-07-05 09:50 思慧 阅读(53) 评论(1)  编辑  收藏


# thomas sabo 2010-10-19 14:25 thomas sabo

gree with you,keep on  回复  更多评论   
