The deluded man clings to the characteristics of things, adheres to the samadhi of oneness. (thinks) that the direct mind is sitting without moving and casting aside delusions without letting things arise in the mind. This he considers to be the samadhi of oneness. This kind of practice is the same as insentiency and is the cause of an obstruction to the Dao. Dao must be something that circulates freely; why should he impede it? If the mind does not abide in things, the Dao circulates freely; if the mind abides in things, it becomes entangled. If sitting in meditation without moving is good, why did Vimalakirti scold Sariputra for sitting in meditation in the forest?
挑了《坛经》给学生作这周讨论课的reading。于是就有了一下午愉快的阅读。阳光很好。六祖很活泼。《坛经》也很活泼。比如上面这一段,日常,流畅,反智,见性成佛。想象一个聪明和气的岭南老头,给人讲道理的时候,一遍遍重复,“你看,我没受过教育,不识字,更不会写,但是……” 好cute。
结果呢,今天就有被肯定的感觉。其实就算慧能老爷爷没给我肯定,我也大半走不到另一条路上去 :)我只能过日子,在这里或者在别处。在这里,我即是佛,在别处,佛即是我。所以我总是在回去的路上。我总以为,回去,就能在这里,法身不离色身。这是我的执着,但是,反正,我也不必非执着的去“破执”么。
posted on 2006-10-02 20:43
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