Jonny Greenwood - Orchestral Works 2005 新专辑简介翻译

'smear' was premiered at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds with the London Sinfonietta on march 3rd 2004 at the FuseLeeds Festival after having been commissioned for that occasion. The two Ondes Martenot were played by Valerie Hartmann-Claverie and Bruno Perrault. The piece lasts over 13 minutes at this point:
JG和伦敦的Sinfonietta乐团于04年3月3日在Leeds的FuseLeeds音乐节上初次演奏了这首曲子,Valerie Hartmann-Claverie和Bruno Perrault.弹奏了Ondes Martenot(一种电子琴)的部分,当时这首曲子大约有13分钟
In march 2005 Jonny was Featured Composer at the South Bank Centre’s cutting-edge Ether Festival, where the revised version of 'smear' was performed by the London Sinfonietta at the Royal Festival Hall on march 27th and 28th 2005. One of those two performances of 'smear' was later released on CD on the London Sinfonietta Label as part of their Jerwood Series.
05年3月,Jonny做为作曲家在South Bank Centre’s cutting-edge Ether音乐节上出席,05年5月27号和28号经过修改的新版本Smear 由伦敦的Sinfonietta乐团在Royal Festival大厅再次演奏。之后两场演出中的一场的CD版本做为London Sinfonietta厂牌Jerwood系列的一部分在London Sinfonietta厂牌下发行。
Piano for Children
'Piano For Children' was commissioned for John Constable and the London Sinfonietta and first premiered at the Ether Festival on march 27th and 28th 2005. The performance from march 27th was aired on the BBC:
'Piano For Children'是JG受John Constable和伦敦Sinfonietta乐队创作的,在05年3月27日和28日首次在Ether音乐节上被演奏,当时BBC直播了这场演出。
Popcorn Superhet Receiver
In may 2004 Jonny was appointed Composer-in-Residence for the BBC Concert Orchestra.
'Popcorn Superhet Receiver' was comissioned by BBC Radio 3 and premiered on april 23rd 2005 at LSO St Luke's, with the BBC Concert Orchestra and Robert Ziegler. The piece was inspired by radio static and the extended, dissonant chords of Polish composer Penderecki’s 'Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima'. A recording of the premiere performance, which lasts over 19 minutes, was aired on the BBC Radio 3 programme ‘Mixing it’ on june 24th 2005:
'Popcorn Superhet Receiver'是Jonny受BBC Radio3委托制作,05年4月23日,在LSO St Luke
Jonny,Robert Ziegler,BBC管弦乐团演奏了这首曲子。电波的静电噪音给了jonny创作这首曲子的灵感,当中不和谐的和弦是了波兰先锋作曲家Penderecki的作品“广岛受难者挽歌”的采样。BBC Radio3的Mixing it节目在05年24日播出了 这首19分钟曲子的录音
On september 30th 2005 Radiohead posted a picture of a session blackboard on Dead Air Space. The photo shows a list of songs and ideas the band had been working on during the two weeks of rehearsals from september 19th to 30th. On the lower right hand side Thom wrote 'PSR - Jonny loops - BBC'. Apparently they considered using samples from a recording of 'Popcorn Superhet Receiver' in one way or another:
05年9月30日,Radiohead在Dead Air Space上面贴了一张会议的黑板的图在Dead Air Space上面,这张照片上面有一张歌曲的列表和一些想法,这些都是乐队在9月19日到30日的排练中获得的,在左边的偏下的地方Thom写了“'PSR - Jonny loops – BBC”几个字,很显然他们打算采样一些“Popcorn Superhet Receiver”中的片断做为素材。
'Popcorn Superhet Receiver' won the BBC Radio 3 Listeners' Award at the 2006 British Composer Awards, presented by the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters in association with Radio 3. The event was held at the Hayward Gallery in London on november 24th 2006. The listeners of Radio 3 chose 'Popcorn Superhet Receiver' from nine BBC orchestral commissions, premiered between 1st April 2005 and 31st March 2006.
In connection with the Awards there was also a concert at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, where 'Popcorn Superhet Receiver' was performed in Jonny's presence by the BBC Concert orchestra, conducted by Robert Ziegler. By this point, probaby for this occasion, the piece had been reworked slightly, now being 3 minutes shorter than the premiere performance. It was broadcast on the BBC Radio 3 programme 'Performance on 3' on november 27th 2006:
在2006年的英国作曲家大奖中,Jonny凭借'Popcorn Superhet Receiver'获得了听众奖,
这个奖项由英国词曲作家协会和BBC Radio3 联合创办。颁奖典礼于06年11月26日在Hayward Gallery举行,Radio 3的听众们从9首BBC管弦乐团委托制作的曲子中选出了Popcorn Superhet Receiver。
在Queen Elizabeth大厅举办的音乐会上,BB管弦乐团在Robert Ziegler的指挥下演奏了这首曲目,也许是特别为了这次演出,这次的版本又被重新修改过了,比原来短了3分钟。这场演出于06年11月27日在BBC radio3中播出。


posted on 2007-11-01 23:33 dez8ha 阅读(196) 评论(4)  编辑  收藏


# 4mers[TrackBack] 2007-11-01 23:43 luffa

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# re: Jonny Greenwood - Orchestral Works 2005 新专辑简介翻译 2007-11-22 22:21 fanmu

以后会常来看看的~  回复  更多评论   

# re: Jonny Greenwood - Orchestral Works 2005 新专辑简介翻译 2007-12-19 19:56 seayaW

eh~   回复  更多评论   

# re: Jonny Greenwood - Orchestral Works 2005 新专辑简介翻译 2008-05-30 11:32 体彩

不太感兴趣这些了,路过~  回复  更多评论   










