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are you ready to change the way you live?
the climate crisis can be solved, here is how to start?
you can reduce your carbon emissions. in fact, you can even reduce you carbon emissions to zero.
buy energy efficient applicances, such as lightbulbs.
change your thermostat and use lock thermostats, to reduce energy for heating and cooling.
weatherize your house, increase insulation, get an energy credit.
if your can, buy a hybrid car. when you can, walk or ride a bicycle. where you can, use light rail and subway.
tell you parents not to ruin the world that you will live in.
if you are a parent, join with your children to save the world they will live in .
switch to renewable souces of energy.
call your power company to see if they offer green energy, if they do not, ask them why not?
vote the leaders who pledge to solve this crisis, write to congress, if they do not listen,run for congress.
plant trees,lots of trees,
speak up in your community, call radio shows and write newspapers.
insist that american freeze co2 emissions.
join international efforts to stop global warming.
reduce our dependence on foreign oil, help farmers grow alcohol fuels.
raise fuel economy standards, require lower emissions from automobiles.
if you believe in paper,pary that people will find the strength to change.
in the words of the african proberb"when you pray, move your feet",
encourage everyone you know to see this movie,
learn as much as you can about the climate crisis.then put your knowledege into action. 


# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2009-06-30 21:34 by 泥瓜
原来中文翻译叫做 一个难以掩盖的真相

当年写华文作文,愣是把它译成了 一个不方便的事实。。。。。

# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2009-07-01 09:42 by lotos

# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2009-07-01 10:24 by 泥瓜
阿 呵呵 上高中的时候 我选了一门华文通识课(General studies in Chinese) 课上要写作文 或者应该说是中文作文 嘿嘿 顺便说下 我在新加坡

# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2009-07-01 16:12 by lotos

# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2009-07-01 17:36 by 泥瓜
不是不是 你搞错啦 哈哈 我是在新加坡的中国人。。。我家在中国。。俺爹俺娘俺三姑六婆什么什么的几乎全都在中国。。我武汉的~~ 哈哈 我爱中国哈~ 就是从中学开始在新加坡。。。

# re: 如何预防全球变暖(一个难以掩盖的真相---字幕)  回复  更多评论   

2010-06-06 16:39 by uuiii

该文被作者在 2009-06-29 11:25 编辑过