If I could take this moment forever
Turn the pages of my mind
To another place and time
We would never say goodbye
If I could find the words I would speak them
Then I wouldn't be tongue tied
Will I look them to your eyes
We would never say goodbye
If I could stop the moon ever arising
Day would not become the night
Would't feel this cold inside
And we'd never say goodbye
I wish that our dreams were frozen
Then our hearts would not be broken
When we let each other go
If I could steal this moment forever
Paint a picture perfect smile
So our story stayed alive
We would never say goodbye
今日无意中听到了这一支歌曲,名为《never say goodbye》,极为动听,极力悦耳,一支用心唱的歌曲,都似乎有抚平人心中波澜的力量。我本无大事,现在更是无所争求,力求认真对待生活与工作。